All those people aren't lying when they tell you how fast it will go by! Now if only I could tell the millions of people that ask me if my life has changed to put a sock in it, I'd be happy. I'm enjoying Holt at this age so much. Everyday he is making a new sound and he just smiles constantly. This past week he just started laughing out loud and it's the cutest stinkin' thing I've heard in my entire life! He's just days away from rolling over, but since he absolutely hates laying on his belly, I think he's putting it off. He has found his range in his voice also. One second it's the deepest "OOOOHHHH" the next he is shrieking so loud that Bentley is running for the door. He amuses himself all day long. Every now and then I catch him staring at me, whether Kyle is holding him or he's next to me on the couch. I must admit, I almost want to cry every time I see this. It absolutely melts my heart that he is just so in love with his Mommy. He's making me want to pull an Angelina and Brad and have a whole herd of kiddos! He was recently diagnosed with eczema but it's pretty much taken care of with prescription lotion. He never seemed bothered by it, but the red scaly patches were getting worse and worse, so I had to have it taken care of. Holt can only wear 100% cotton, use Cetaphil to wash, and prescription or Baby Aveeno lotion.
Here are some of his likes and dislikes:
-TV, it was a joke before, now he seriously loves it. Especially FOOTBALL.
-Smiling and laughing
-Talking, he's a serious chatterbox
-Being out and about
-He loves his tongue! In and out in and out...
-Bathtime and bedtime
-Getting strapped into his carrier
-TCU Frog horn
-Not a huge fan of the bumbo yet
-Naps, I'm in trouble
-Being on his belly
Now that I am back at work, full time for only another week thank goodness, our schedule is quite different. I am SOOOOO tired at the end of the week I can barely function.
5am- I wake up and start to get ready in anticipation he could wake up anytime between 5:30 and 6:30. I feed him, put him back down, finish getting ready and load the car, then get him ready. He really loves sleeping in the mornings.
7am-We head out the door
8am-I drop him off at daycare and head to work
9am-I pump at work
12pm-I go feed him his lunch at daycare
3pm-I pump again
5pm-I go pick him up and we head home
6pm-Home to play and talk and get dinner ready, he naps
8pm-Another feeding sometime this hour
9pm-Bath time and bed time. Then I pump to make up the ounces I need for the next day. I get his bottles ready and I get ready for bed.
11pm-Feed him again, catch some ZZZs
It's even more exhausting to type it out. Just to see him smile in the mornings and when I pick him up at night, makes it all worth it. I never saw myself as a working mom, but it truly is a great balance. It will be even better when I'm home for 4 days and at the office for 3. I just hope I can continue to do a good job at both. The "I just had a baby, give me a break" card can only last so long. First and foremost, I want to be the best mom and wife I can be, my career comes second. We're looking forward to his first Halloween in another week. I love him to pieces!