Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Teacher's Pet

Holt's First day of Daycare

As most of you probably know by now, I have embarked on my journey of Working Motherhood. This is an entirely new and different type of Motherhood. I returned to work on October 4th. I was in complete denial about returning to work so I really did not think much about where Holt was going to go until he was about 4 weeks old. Did I want a nanny? Did I want him in daycare? Did I want to sell everything I own and live in a box just so I could be with my baby all day? (It wouldn't be that bad, I'm choosing to return to work.) I called the daycares around my house, no openings. I searched online Nanny services and immediately got freaked out about some stranger coming into my home and caring for my baby the way I had for 12 weeks. I called a daycare by my office, BINGO. They had an opening. Just to be sure I called other daycares around my office, NO OPENINGS. I sure hoped I liked the school since it was looking to be my only option. In the beginning, I didn't think I would want him at a daycare where he would be left alone all day without much attention. Then I started liking the idea of security that it offered. Needless to say, he is enrolled in that daycare by my office, about 3 minutes from my office to be exact. I wouldn't have it any other way! I'm allowed to go feed him at lunch time and I like that I am so close in case they needed me for something. Moving on...there are several things I have noticed about Daycare.

-It's great people watching. I am there for about 30 minutes or so at lunch so I observe the kiddos (only 4 allowed in the infant class) and wonder, "Why are they here?" Then sometimes I have to feed him before we go home so I see their parents pick them up. Interesting. "THAT's what her mom looks like?" "Man, his dad is short, he's screwed." And "Wow, her parents are old."
-The teacher, in her broken English, loves talking smack about the kids and their parents. "This one is spoiled, her parents let her sleep in bed with them." "This one only wears organic diapers and eats organic food, what a pain." Surely she has nothing bad to say about my perfect child right?
-That brings me to my next observation, I'm certain my child is perfect compared to the other monster's in his classroom. I now understand why everyone mom thinks their child is the best and most perfect child in the world. I'm just glad that it's actually true for me. :)
-I learned quickly the most efficient way to drop off and pick up your child by observing the other moms. DO NOT bring your purse in. Keys only. Smart. I'm considering never carrying a purse now that I have a child. How annoying is that and a diaper bag?
-I have a crusty kid. I always told myself I wouldn't have a crusty kid. Every kid in daycare is crusty.They are always getting their noses wiped and coughing up stuff. When I pick him up he has a nose full of boogers and sleepies all over his face. I don't even mind, I'm just happy to see my crusty baby.

OOPS! Don't make of mess of your outfit at school or you get to wear clothes that don't match!

This is all sounding like I didn't have a hard time dropping him off the first day. I cried for about 5 minutes in the car before I could get him out. He was sleeping so peacefully and had no idea that this was the first day we would be separated all day long. Poor guy never saw it coming. I cried carrying him in, cried handing over his bottles, cried handing him over, and then smiled when I saw him smile at me. It's like he was saying, "It's ok Mommy, see I'm just fine." I cried on my way to work, cried when my mom called to see how I was doing, cried when Kyle called to see how I was doing. After I saw him at lunch, I didn't cry anymore. He was happy and well taken care of. I'm certain he is the teacher's pet. She always tells me wonderful stories about him and how happy and smiley he is all day long. Rarely sleeps, but also rarely fussy. I look in the window on the door before going in sometimes and she's almost always looking at him adoringly. I hope he has this effect on people his whole life. She's also told me he's a bit of a chatterbox. He loves "talking" to her and the hanging animals on his bounce and mobile.

There's that smile!

Starting in November I will be working from home on Mondays and Fridays. I think I get the best of both worlds by getting my adult interaction at the office 3 days a week, and getting to be a Mommy to my little boy the other 4 days! Now I'm off to finish my Mother's Milk Tea to keep up my's never ending I tell ya! A breastfeeding working Mom is an entire blog in itself, I'll be sure to fill you in on that when I have more time.


  1. Glad things are going well! P.s. I stopped carrying a purse at month one, but recently bought a LARGE purple purse and made it a diaper bag for fball season! :) You're right carrying both is a pain and seems ridiculous. Hope to see you at the game this weekend! :)

  2. So true:)) I love your blog all the joys of motherhood and nursing!! It gets even more challenging when you add two!!! Congrats with lil HOLT:))

