Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The countdown to 1...

I'm about a week and a half late on this, we're in Houston and it's just plain crazy right now! The time has come. The time that seemed so far away this time last year. It's not far away anymore, it is here. My baby is almost a toddler. Every week he is doing more and learning more, and it is just fascinating to watch. I don't think we are close to walking, certainly not by his birthday, but you never know. He hasn't mastered standing on his own yet, although I'm certain he is strong enough too, his balance isn't quite there. The world around him is getting more and more intriguing and he is into everything! Here are some of his current favs from the past month:

-Understanding how lightswitches work
-Crawls to the backdoor when he wants to go swing
-Turns his Baby Einstein Music Box on in his crib at naptime, bedtime, and if he wakes up too early, it soothes him.
-Knows cell phone sounds. Looks right at it when he hears the text message DING!
-He loves mouths, his, ours, all of them. Loves putting those fingers in there.
-Must, absolutely must, be carrying something in his hand when he's crawling
-Shares his food with you, especially loves to give you what has already been in his mouth. MMM.
-Says "words" like nana for banana and daadaa for doggie. Not to be confused with Dada for Daddy.
-Anything that resembles music is worthy of dancing to him. He moves and grooves to all sounds and beats.
-He finds feeding Bentley to be hilarious, especially when he licks his hand. Bentley however is quickly gaining weight.
-Doors, he loves pushing them closed. Unless he left Mommy on the other side and he can't figure out how to get back to me.
-Allergies have been bad lately, so he developed his own sniffing face mimicking me and Kyle
-He loves playing in the closet for some reason
-He knows what buttons to push on his toys to make them do certain things and to drop a car at the top to make it go down the ramp. My little genius.
-He has started this bucking bronco thing where he stands on his knees, hands up, then lunges forward to the ground. He stops and does this between crawling.

Here are some new foods he has tried: (He only self feeds, he's over baby food officially)
-Sweet Potato fries
-Mandarin Oranges (not to much a fav)
-Shells and cheese, mac n cheese (loves!)
-peeled grapes
-grilled cheese (Big fan)
-Pizza (I know, I'm horrible)
-Goldfish (He could probably live on these)
-Steamed broccoli
-Veggie Burger

Here are his stats:
-21 lbs?
-12 month clothes
-No shoes!
-Size 3 diapers
-2 bottom teefers!

I'm in full party planning mode. I want this to be just the most fun birthday for him. Not that he cares, but I care! So far I haven't been near as emotional as I thought I would be about it, maybe because I have so much other stuff going on. Maybe I'll shed a tear soon. He's my very best lil buddy and I love love love this little boy!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Little Gym

So I've been on this workout kick. I'm doing Insanity, which is the most intense workout I have ever done and it lasts 60 days. It almost pales in comparison to this Little Gym business. I mean, what a beating...for ME! Unfortunately I do not have any pictures to share, but I wish I did of his big smile as he somersaulted over the rolling cushion thingy. This was 45 minutes of pure fun for him and 45 minutes of pure cardio for me. I wasn't really sure how he would react at first, even though he is pretty social, sometimes he can be a bit clingy in new situations.

So we start shaking the bells, he's not loving this part which I am surprised by. Maybe it was all the other bells shaking too that was a bit too much for him. Now onto the warmup. "Ok everyone, let's run!" Well Holt doesn't run, but all the other kids do. He's the youngest by 3 months in this class, and the 14 monther was still a little wobbly on the walking too. So I hold him and we run in a circle. Then I decide to let him run, more fun for him...more work for me. He's giggling and laughing out loud at his heart's content and I totally forget about the workout I'm getting. We continue to warmup and I realize I'm holding this 20 pounder the entire time. I know he wishes he could walk and run and jump like the others, but he just can't yet. Next is the inflatable bounce thing that miraculously blows up with all of us mommies and kids sitting on it flat. Holt is not sure about this, but once it is blown up he is loving crawling on it and chasing the bigger kids. He also loved Humpty Dumpty where he got to bounce and flip over at the end. Talk about an arm workout, holding onto him bouncing for minutes on end then flipping over 20 pounds of deadweight that has no idea what they are to doing upside down. Whew. I look at the clock, 30 minutes left. WOW.

Then we go to the bar. The instructor spins him over and Holt surprisingly is holding onto the bar like he's trying out for the Olympics, Mommy is so proud...and so relieved someone else is holding him for a second. He decided to do this again. Then he wanted to crawl around everywhere. In between each "skill" they turned music on and he would just stop and bounce and smile, because he sure loves dancing. I even taught him to raise one hand up in the air when he is dancing. Why? Because it's funnier.

Next was the beam, again the instructor walks him across. Holt went "running" across that thing with the biggest smile like he knew exactly what he was doing. At the end he got to stop, do a flip, then JUMP off the end! He kept crawling back to the stairs to go up the beam again...I think he liked it. I'm starting to cool off a little now.

Oh but he's off crawling all over the room again. I'm chasing him everywhere. We do the somersaulting thing and he's loving it. Then we sit and do the Duke of York or something like that. Basically for what seems like minutes I'm supporting Holt on my knees up and down, side to side, bouncing, then flipping over. This is a full on workout now, my glutes will definitely be sore. Then the balls come out. Balls everywhere, he's chasing them. I'm picking him up to shoot a hoop, chasing more balls. I try not to notice the sweat dripping from my forehead. I can't even remember everything we did because I could only think how I am definitely NOT doing Insanity when I get home. Fine Kyle, you can be disappointed I didn't do my workout for the day, but one trip to the Little Gym and you will know what I am talking about. I definitely considered that my workout for the day. However, I can't wait to go back. It was by far more exciting than his toys at home and walking around the neighborhood with Bentley for 15 minutes like we normally do in the mornings.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Sorority Rec

I need to know if anyone is or knows a Chi O from A&M? I have to write a rec, which I'm a little foggy with anyways so any pointers would be great!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

We're moving!

Yes, it's true. I'm having a hard time believing it myself. I've been dying to share this new, but in typical Kyle fashion....he made me wait and wait and wait. We were at dinner a couple weeks ago when he asked me how my day was. I started with the usual, "Holt woke up at 7, danced to Lady Gaga on GMA, ate this for lunch..." I go on with how many naps he took and how long they were, really interesting stuff here people. I asked him how his day was. He said, "I had an interesting day." I asked him what made it so interesting. He said, "Well I got a promotion." I was so surprised to hear that and so happy at the same time especially because I didn't know there was a position above him even open. I said, "Wow, congratulations! What does that mean?" He said, "It means we're moving to Houston." I about spit my margarita out. I got the butterflies, and dizzy, lost my appetite, was happy then about to cry. I really didn't know what to think!

Kyle was promoted to GM of his company and I am so very proud of him. He has worked hard for this, even at times when I didn't understand it. (Like leaving me in the hospital the day after I had Holt to go ease some tension with a customer). Their headquarters are in Houston, but have always felt strongly about having sales here in DFW. With a new product coming out and changes within the company, everyone agreed it was best for Kyle to be in Houston. Fine by me! I have always been open to the possibility of moving to be closer to family whether it be San Antonio or Houston. I just feel it's important for everyone to be closer to family. This move to Houston puts us much closer to San Antonio (where his parents live) as well, about half the distance they are now! I am so excited to get to see both of our families more often. Amy and I are also thrilled we get to watch our boys grow up together. They are, afterall, only 11 weeks apart! Holt and Preston will be getting into all sorts of trouble as they grow up together! This puts us very close to my family also. My dad and half brothers are there, as well as my mom and sister, both in Katy.

As much as I hate to admit this, I promised I wouldn't be one of these people, it looks like we're moving back to the Katy area. We want a home we can stay in for a long time, and possibly never have to move again as our family grows. We started out looking in all the new areas of Katy. This is not the same Katy I left in 2002! We love Grand Lakes, Grayson Lakes, and Firethorne. We came into this with no intentions of building a new home. Our neighborhood here is still under construction and we said we wanted an established neighborhood with big trees...that's why we love Grand Lakes. Then we see a floorplan we are obsessed with in Firethorne. Suddenly, building isn't such a bad idea. We cannot stop talking about this house and how we visualize ourselves there for 20+ years. Now it's a matter of negotiating and finding the perfect lot. Kyle would love a pool someday and I want a yard for the kiddos. (Still only singular right now, just thinking long term). Our house is just now going on the market so we're praying for a fast sell. Know anyone in the DFW area looking for a home?

Kyle has to be down there every week starting now, so the sooner the better. We love my mom, but we also don't want to be there cramping her style for too long! We are just fortunate we have the option. :) Keeps us in your thoughts and prayers as we start this very exciting, yet scary, sad, and stressful journey.

Words cannot even begin to explain how I will miss my friendships here in DFW. They became family. I was accepting the fact that we were going to be here forever, and I was finally ok with it. I have Paige and Piper, Becca and Carson, Katie, Missy and her munchkins, Emily and Ryan, my cousin Kelly, wife Dabney, and Emma, not to mention all of Kyle's friends that we both love so much, and the new friends I was making. I was finally getting involved as a mommy and making plans for Holt and I. This is a wonderful surprise, but still very shocking. I cannot even think about saying goodbye to my friends that live here! Luckily, most of them have reasons for visiting Houston or San Antonio on many occasions!
