Ok Mommies, help me out. I'm following my sister in laws lead and turning to you bloggers for tips.
Holt is changing his schedule up on me and I don't know what to do! He's been on a 3 hour schedule since he was born and now he's more like 3-4 hours, which is fine. The biggest question is what to do for bedtime. He needs to be going down around 7:30 or 8 at the very latest. 9 is just too late for him and I'm certain he would sleep better if he could go to bed earlier. We haven't introduced cereal yet, waiting awhile longer, but I'm thinking that might be the answer. As of now I feed him around 5:30 or 6 and then again before he gets ready for bed which sometimes isn't until 9. He needs to have already been in bed but he'll never make it if his last feeding is at 6. If I introduced cereal, I could still keep that one feeding at 6 and give him cereal while we eat, then he can get ready for bed. Right? What are some tips for moving his bedtime up while satisfying his belly at the same time? I just feel like he is so so so tired and a nap around 7:30 seems pointless to me. What did you do? Or what have you heard from others?
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Holt is 4 months!
Already! He's just about to start marking off more and more milestones. Holt is 14lbs 10oz (50%) and 26in (75%). He's a very very happy baby. He's rarely fussy, smiles all the time, laughs out loud when I laugh out loud and when I dance, screams loudly (Daddy doesn't think it's normal a little boy should scream that loud), and is such a joy. He's still not rolling over, but the doctor says that is normal because he is taller than most babies. His little muscles have to work extra hard to get him over, but he should be rolling over within the month. He's so so so close it just takes a finger poke to get him over. He is still exclusively given breastmilk (patting myself on the back for that one) although we will introduce cereal when we feel he is ready. The doctor says he is ready to give it shot, but I want to see him really interested in us eating. Therefore, I put up his high chair so he could start to sit with us at meal time. Here are a few more facts about the Holtster.

-Size 2 diapers
-6 month clothes
-Still eats every 2.5-3 hours
-Sleeps from 9pm-6am on average
-Grabbing things from us when held in front of him (immediately goes into his mouth)
-Shaking his rattle ball
-Watching Mommy and Daddy make fools of themselves trying to get him to laugh
-Recently taken an interest in Bentley
-Laying on the floor talking, cooing, screaming
-Watching TV
-Making gurgling razz sounds
-Following me wherever I go
-Looking at himself in the mirror
-The toy on his carseat the straps from side to side
-His lovie
-Grabbing the toys on his activity mat
-Loves grabbing at his feet
-Reading books
-Going in his carseat, especially when overly exhausted
-Bentley barking
-Staying still
-Getting his PJs on
-Being on his tummy, but getting better
Overall he's very happy and doesn't dislike a whole lot. Everyday is more and more fun with him. He brings the ultimate happiness to our lives. The second I see him smile at me when I go pick him up in the mornings is the highlight of my day as a Mommy. There is just nothing better than the feeling of being a Mom to a happy little boy.
-Size 2 diapers
-6 month clothes
-Still eats every 2.5-3 hours
-Sleeps from 9pm-6am on average
-Grabbing things from us when held in front of him (immediately goes into his mouth)
-Shaking his rattle ball
-Watching Mommy and Daddy make fools of themselves trying to get him to laugh
-Recently taken an interest in Bentley
-Laying on the floor talking, cooing, screaming
-Watching TV
-Making gurgling razz sounds
-Following me wherever I go
-Looking at himself in the mirror
-The toy on his carseat the straps from side to side
-His lovie
-Grabbing the toys on his activity mat
-Loves grabbing at his feet
-Reading books
-Going in his carseat, especially when overly exhausted
-Bentley barking
-Staying still
-Getting his PJs on
-Being on his tummy, but getting better
Overall he's very happy and doesn't dislike a whole lot. Everyday is more and more fun with him. He brings the ultimate happiness to our lives. The second I see him smile at me when I go pick him up in the mornings is the highlight of my day as a Mommy. There is just nothing better than the feeling of being a Mom to a happy little boy.
One year ago...
One year ago, my way of thinking changed forever. One year ago, my life changed forever. One year ago, I saw 2 pink lines! I was frustrated that I had not started my period yet since we were trying to conceive. How was I going to know when I was within "the window"? As we prepared to go out of town for Thanksgiving I told Kyle I was going to take a test just to be sure. Normally he rolled his eyes at me and would say, "You're not pregnant." This time he said, "I think that's a good idea." I completely forgot to take the test before I left for work that morning. I left work early so we could get on the road early. I was home about 10 minutes before Kyle and I finished getting my things together. I remembered, "Oh yeah, gotta take that test!" We knew the Holidays would hold drinking and socializing with friends and family, so we wanted to make sure I was in the clear. I took the test. Then I got distracted by packing and remembered I needed to go look at it. I picked it up and nearly passed out. I didn't know whether I want to laugh or cry or scream. The first "person" I told? BENTLEY! "Oh my gosh Bentley, Mommy is pregnant!" It felt weird to say it out loud. I called the doctor and told them about the test and asked them what I needed to do next. Since we were going out of town I had to wait until the following Monday to go get my blood work done.
I had about 2 minutes to figure out how to tell Kyle the good news. I always thought I could have planned something really special for him but I didn't have time. Then the garage door opened, what was I going to say? I put the test in my pocket. When he walked in I couldn't help myself and I pulled it out saying, "This week just got really interesting!" He was so happy. We were in complete shock as we got on the road that day. We also knew we would not be telling anyone, not even family, until after the first sonogram. We wanted to make sure everything was going well first. So we had 4 hours in the car to talk about how we were going to pull off fake drinking, baby names, the nursery, and what our lives would be like this time next year.
Here we are one year later and as I write this, my little boy is laying on the floor playing with his toys, cooing, talking, smiling, and making his new favorite razzing sound. What a difference a year makes!
I had about 2 minutes to figure out how to tell Kyle the good news. I always thought I could have planned something really special for him but I didn't have time. Then the garage door opened, what was I going to say? I put the test in my pocket. When he walked in I couldn't help myself and I pulled it out saying, "This week just got really interesting!" He was so happy. We were in complete shock as we got on the road that day. We also knew we would not be telling anyone, not even family, until after the first sonogram. We wanted to make sure everything was going well first. So we had 4 hours in the car to talk about how we were going to pull off fake drinking, baby names, the nursery, and what our lives would be like this time next year.
Here we are one year later and as I write this, my little boy is laying on the floor playing with his toys, cooing, talking, smiling, and making his new favorite razzing sound. What a difference a year makes!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Four Generations
On November 12, Kyle's grandfather passed away. It was his dad's dad. He was 89 years old and lived a very long, happy, loving life. Grandpa Kummer had been battling the beginning stages of Alzheimers these past few years and we just never knew what each visit would hold. Would he know us? He was living in an Alzheimers home and it was one of the most depressing places I have ever visited. A couple years ago when his memory started going, he made a comment to my mother in law saying, "I will never get to be a great grandpa." When she told me that, it broke my heart. Kyle and I weren't talking about having kids yet, neither were Brett and Amy, and his other grandkids aren't married. The chances did seem very slim that he would get to experience that joy before passing away. When we told everyone we were pregnant last Christmas, we stopped by Grandpa Kummer's nursing home to share the news with him. Again, we weren't sure what that visit would hold. It was a great visit. We showed him the sonogram picture and told him the news that he was finally going to be a great grandpa! You could see the happiness in his eyes even though you couldn't understand him. The only thing we could understand that day is when he said, "Go Cowboys!" He sure wouldn't be saying that this season. In May, when we were back in San Antonio for one of my showers, we wanted to show him my big ole belly so he would really understand that I was pregnant. Kyle's dad didn't think it was a good idea because he had been having an off week. Apparently he didn't look well and he thought we were better off remembering him from our visit in January. Kyle accepted the fact that he had seen his Grandpa for the last time and that it was indeed a great memory for him. We decided not to visit that time and remember him from the time before. Well wouldn't you know Grandpa Kummer surprised us all and just couldn't go yet. We were lucky enough to get one last visit with him in September where we introduced him to his first great-grandchild, a great grandson, Holt Cannon Kummer. For the record, all three of Grandpa Kummer's children had boys, 7 grandsons! So far Amy and I are continuing that tradition for them. Here are some pictures of our last visit with him. He knew exactly what was going on that day. He was so happy to meet his great grandson. Even though Holt will never remember this visit, we have the pictures to show him the joy he brought to Grandpa Kummer that day. For 4 months, there was 4 generations of Kummer boys.
Four Generations of Kummer Boys

Showing Holt his beloved Cardinals hat
Four Generations of Kummer Boys
Showing Holt his beloved Cardinals hat
Monday, November 8, 2010
You know you're a Mom when...
Yes, we all know we are Mom's the second we hear that sweet cry from our babies, or maybe the first time we hold them. We know that, but we may not feel that way for a little while longer. Here are somethings that made me realize that, yes, I truly am a Mom.
-You secretly wish all your shirts unhooked from the top
-You know without a doubt, you have the cutest baby ever. In fact you feel sorry for other mom's because their babies aren't as cute. You are 100% certain they are jealous that their baby isn't as cute as yours.
-It doesn't phase you to pick dried boogies from someone elses nose, and you've stopped yourself from almost doing it to your husband
-When someone compliments your baby, you're pretty sure they have never told anyone else that because your baby is so special.
-You keep a change of clothes in the car or diaper bag just in case
-You're pretty sure you could write children's books
-You now realize that nursery rhymes don't make any sense, are rather violent, and rarely end well(Peter putting his wife in a pumpkin, crazy lady with a carving knife,etc.)
-You get a little misty every time you do their laundry and add something to the "does not fit anymore" pile
-When talking with friends, it's a fact that you will mention diaper sizes, sleep schedules, and clothing sizes
-You can't wait for doctor's appts to see what percentile your baby is in
-It's difficult to spend money on yourself
As Holt continues to grow, there will be many more of these posts I'm sure!
-You secretly wish all your shirts unhooked from the top
-You know without a doubt, you have the cutest baby ever. In fact you feel sorry for other mom's because their babies aren't as cute. You are 100% certain they are jealous that their baby isn't as cute as yours.
-It doesn't phase you to pick dried boogies from someone elses nose, and you've stopped yourself from almost doing it to your husband
-When someone compliments your baby, you're pretty sure they have never told anyone else that because your baby is so special.
-You keep a change of clothes in the car or diaper bag just in case
-You're pretty sure you could write children's books
-You now realize that nursery rhymes don't make any sense, are rather violent, and rarely end well(Peter putting his wife in a pumpkin, crazy lady with a carving knife,etc.)
-You get a little misty every time you do their laundry and add something to the "does not fit anymore" pile
-When talking with friends, it's a fact that you will mention diaper sizes, sleep schedules, and clothing sizes
-You can't wait for doctor's appts to see what percentile your baby is in
-It's difficult to spend money on yourself
As Holt continues to grow, there will be many more of these posts I'm sure!
Monday, November 1, 2010
First Halloween
We had a fantastic First Halloween with Holt. He spent the day in his skeleton sleep 'n' play outfit. It glowed in the dark, but that was hard to get a picture of. He didn't like me laying him on the floor in the dark closet to try and capture that picture.
That night Casey and Becca came over for Chili, trick or treating, and the Rangers game. Kyle absolutely loves Halloween and must add dry ice to all beverages on that day. That is one quality I truly love about him, he's always making sure everyone is having a great time!
Holt was anxious to check out his loot. Ok, I was... knowing I was going to be the one eating the candy anyways. Still can't seem to kick this sweet tooth I developed while pregnant!
He was so sleepy! Holt stayed awake from about 3pm until he finally closed those peepers at 10:30. He was overly tired and had a hard time going to sleep. He's still sleepy today, which is great since it's my first day to work from home! Holidays are more magical with a little one involved. I was so excited about this Holiday, I can't even imagine how excited I will be for Christmas. I plan on creating as many special memories as I can while he is growing up so he always remembers what fun he had on Holidays. I think we're off to a great start!
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