Oh my, this can't be. I feel like I just came home with him from the hospital. This month was all about exploring and learning. He is my little shadow, from following me everywhere to copying everything I'm doing or saying. Well he tries to say what I'm saying, sometimes the tone is even the exact same, and I feel like he said some real words. At the lake last weekend, the Kummer's dog Bella is constantly in his face and barking. We are always yelling, "BELLA!" He started going, "BLAH!" At one point we all swear we heard him actually say Bella, but we also have to be realistic and know he probably did not. This month he has also become extremely attached to Mommy, even more so than before. Even when Daddy is holding him, I think it makes Daddy sad. When I am holding him, he clings on so tight. I LOVE it! He has changed so much this month, really into exploring the house. He knows he has toys in the media room too so he will crawl from the living room in there to play. Some new sounds he added are M's and N's. He only says Mamamamama when he is crying. I do think he knows Dada is Kyle now. When he sees Bentley he either says Ba or Da...Bentley or Doggie. He actually says ba when it comes to anything that starts with a B, ball, bye bye, bottle, etc. He really wants to start talking! He's also learned what objects are if I ask him, where is your ball? He doesn't know tons, but he is learning something everyday! Here are some of his loves:
-Playing with doorstops
-Clapping (he can do it when you say the word, say YAY!, sees you or anyone else do it, or when I sing "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands)
-Watching Baby Einstein (in the car, and only on long drives)
-His mommy
-Blowing raspberries, all the time.
-Bathtime! Now that he is in the big tub, he doesn't want to get out
-When I chase him on the ground
-Pulling up on incredibly unstable things (laundry basket, in the bathtub, Bentley's dog bowl holder)
-Being in public and smiling at strangers. I get compliments all the time about how friendly he is!
-Playing peekaboo (covers his face with a lovie and pulls it away so I can see PEEKABOO)
-Loves him some Puffs, all flavors
-Dancing (starts bobbing at the sound of any beat)
-His tickle spot in the center of his back
-Waving Hi and Bye
-When I remove him from a situation he would rather be in, like playing with the computer cord. He kicks and flails around in protest like a fish out of water
-Getting dressed or diaper changes (clings onto me and lays his head on my should as soon as we enter the room, I'm not falling for your charm mister!)
-Cottage Cheese
-Any one else holding him but me
-When he drops Bentley's dog bowl and it makes a loud noise, it's the only noise that bothers him. He gets so scared. Vacuum, no problem, blender, who cares...dog
bowl...run for your life!
-Not sure on weight and height, probably about the same as 9 months, maybe a pound heavier, he's so skinny but eats like a horse!
-Size 3 diapers, Cruisers now that he is on the GO
-No shoes yet, so I'm not sure of the size. 2 or 3.
-Still no teeth, it's hereditary on both sides so I'm not surprised
-Size 9 and 12 month clothing. 9 months are getting a little short because he is so long
Here are some new foods we've tried:
-Black beans and pinto beans with rice
-Cottage cheese
-Steamed veggies (peas, carrots, green beans)
-Turkey meatballs
-Swiss cheese
He's a great little eater, eats anything you put in front of him. Sometimes it takes him a few days to get used to the texture, but I don't give up at the first meal if he doesn't like something. We try and try again until I'm convinced he just doesn't like it, like cottage cheese. It's torturous to watch.
I guess I am going to start planning his FIRST birthday party. I can't even believe it. Everyday just gets better and better and I am so excited to go get him in the mornings. He is just thrilled when I come in there. We finished our nursing experience last night and it was bittersweet. It wasn't as emotional as I thought. I am so glad I hung in there 10 months, but I'm really excited to get ME back for the first time in about 20 months! There is just nothing like his sweet hugs and cuddles. When he lays his head on my shoulder, I just melt. He's my best lil buddy and I love him to pieces!
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