I love my baby! He makes me so so happy. Everyday just gets better and better. He is becoming quite curious about EVERYTHING. He grabs anything within reach and sticks it in his mouth. I'm suddenly on alert about what is around when I am holding him in the kitchen, bathroom, his room, the car...everywhere! Babyproofing is just around the corner. In the past month I feel like he has grown so much and turned into a different baby. All in a good way of course. He is mobile now. He just rolls and rolls and I find him in funny places, like under the coffee table. His little square blanket in the living room has been replaced with a queen sized comforter since we have all tile. He has also learned his name and is becoming quite the expert at sitting up. He is still a little wobbly, but is quick to correct himself. It is just so amazing to watch this little person take in their surroundings and teach themselves these new things.
When I get him in the mornings, it's the most joyful, happy feeling of my entire day. He gets this big smile and starts kicking his legs around. When I pick him up he wraps his legs around me and grabs onto my arms tightly. It's as if he is letting me know how happy he is too! Lately he has also been concentrating on faces a lot more. He will just look into my eyes and smile or he will touch my face and again smile. It's just so sweet. I want to remember these times forever!
-Weighs 15lbs 15oz (25%)
-27inches (50%)
-Size 6-9 month clothes
-Size 2-3 diapers
-Has 7oz bottles at school or nurses 5 times/day if I am home
-Eating cereal for breakfast, a veggie for lunch and dinner. (Fruits are coming this weekend!)
-Sleeps from 8-6:30 on average, eats, then goes back down until about 8:30
-Dogs, especially Bentley. He finds him hilarious. He cracks up when dogs bark.
-Sock animals
-Stuffed baseball
-His toys with lights and sounds
-Teething rings
-When Daddy tosses him up
-Mommy's silly faces
-The camera, he knows when to do his thing, BIG SMILE HOLT!
-His feet
-My iPhone (Shake Farm app)
-Solid food, especially green beans
-Taking away a toy
-When he is alone in a room
-The Wicked Mommy of the West (this is what I call myself when I have to suction his nose out)
-Getting ready for bed (bath is great, hates the lotion and getting dressed part)
He's really still a very happy baby! We love him to pieces.