Monday, January 17, 2011


I have been slacking on my blog. Basically the story around here is SICKness. Holt was diagnosed with RSV a week ago and we have been dealing with that ever since. I was home from work with him except for Wednesday when Kyle took his turn. Luckily he never spiked the fever and his oxygen levels were great. I was trying not to be the paranoid Mom by taking him to the doctor, but there was something not quite right about his cough. He had even been sleeping really well at night still. I knew when he took a 3 hour nap last Sunday, that he was not quite himself. He is known for not napping. I took him to the doctor and sure enough he had RSV. A little boy in his class was also diagnosed with RSV and they sent a letter home a few days before. I was looking for all the scary symptoms like: fever, rapid breathing, wheezing. He never had any of those, thank goodness! For the most part he has been his normal happy, smiley self. Somedays are better than others. Like today, his cough is subsiding a bit, but he will not play and wants to be held ALL the time. This nasty virus can last up to 21 days! The worst part is that there is really nothing you can do for them except WATCH. This is exhausting for a Mommy. I must be up every hour at night listening to him breath or putting my hand on his chest to see how fast it is going. I check him daily for a fever, unless I really can tell he doesn't have one. He has been getting up anywhere from 0-3 times a night coughing. If he wakes himself up too much, he cannot put himself back down. That requires some rocking or a feeding here and there. The doctor says you have to give into the feedings in the middle of the night and more frequently during the day because that is how they stay hydrated. Also exhausting for a Mommy. We've spent so much time cuddled up together this past week that he has now passed his germs along to me. I'm battling a terrible cold. The kind where when you wake up in the morning you feel like you cannot physically lift your head off the pillow because it is so heavy. The kind with a pounding in your skull and a faucet for a nose. So far it has not moved into my chest, but I wouldn't be surprised. Also, while breastfeeding, you are very limited on what you can take to make yourself feel better. Much like being pregnant again. I have only taken the plain ol' Sudafed. I don't notice much of a change.

On the bright side, Holt turns 6 months this week and we will begin solids. My mom is also going to be in town for a few days. We've both been aching to spend some time together lately so I am happy she is finally coming. If I'm not well, maybe she can take care of me. :)

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