We survived the first month together as a family! I can't believe it's already been a month (well I'm a week late posting about it, better late than never). I must say, we have a very happy baby. He keeps us calm and in turn we keep him calm. The pediatrician remembers him from the nursery as one of the most chill babies she has ever seen. I think we'll keep him. Here are some of his favorite and not favorite things so far:
-Walks in the stroller
-Tummy Time on his activity mat, he loves talking at this time
-Being Mommy's tree frog (sleeping all curled up on my chest)
-Naps with Daddy
-Looking at lights and ceiling fans ALL day long
-Moving constantly, he's my squirmy worm (also explains the constant and sometimes painful movements in the womb)
-Looking at Freddy the Frog on his bouncer
-Nighttime routine of saying our prayers and listening to Jesus Loves Me
-Being held
Least Favs
-Diaper Changes, still.
-Changing clothes, still.
-Bath time, this is more of a love hate relationship. Some nights he loves it, some nights he hates it.
-Sleeping (luckily only hates it during the day)
-Peeing himself when he sleeps, who wouldn't hate that?
A typical day for us goes like this, our schedules are all contingent upon when he wakes up for his middle of the night feeding:
Get up for the day and get him ready after eating. We read a book or play with our rattles. I eat breakfast and he sits in his bouncer. This can last anywhere from 2 seconds to 20 minutes. We go on a morning walk.
I try to make myself look presentable while he chills or naps. Eats around 11:30 or 12:30. I eat quickly and try to pump if he goes down for his long nap.
If he wakes up from his long nap, we go do tummy time after he eats. If this is now the time of his long nap, he sleeps and I either pick up the house or rest myself.
Usually a feeding in here somewhere before Daddy gets home at 6. Sometimes the feeding is right before we eat at 7ish.
Daddy time! He takes him while I shower or mess around on the computer. Sometimes we go to dinner. Another feeding before he gets ready for bed around 9pm.
Bath time every other night. We read a prayer and say a prayer together. We play the Jesus Loves Me lamb from Grandma Kummer. He goes down until the next feeding around 10:30 or 11pm.
Last feeding of the night. He has slept until 5am a few times, 4am a couple times, but typically wakes up around 3 to eat. See how this can affect our whole day?
He eats 8 times a day and I try to pump at least once, aim for twice. He starts daycare when I go back to work in October and I need a hefty supply built up for that!
He's really a good baby and makes us so happy. We've enjoyed visits from all the grandparents the past 2 weeks and are looking forward to our first TCU game next weekend, on my 27th birthday!
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