I have not been afraid of getting older, ever. I'm not afraid of 30, it doesn't mean anything to me, it's just a number. Plus I got carded a couple weeks ago, so I know I don't look 30. *ear to ear grin*
However, my body is like "hold up!" I figured I would be one of those annoying people that bounced back to their prebaby weight within the first month, both times. I was wrong, both times. I was 92lbs when I got married and 100lbs when I got pregnant with Holt. I remember at that time I was trying to lose 5lbs before I got pregnant. Ummm, what? 95lbs, are you kidding? I have always been tiny and petite and never had any trouble with my body image or losing weight. So then come the kids. We all know what that does to our bodies during pregnancy, nothing can prepare you for what happens after! This skin, the spider veins, the pooch, the c section pooch, all of it!
This is why I am falling apart before the age of 30. I have keratosis pilaris, I have sun damaged skin, I have diastastis recti, I will battle kidney stones the rest of my life, I have chicken wings, I have 10lbs to lose, I have floppy flappy deflated balloon boobies, the list could go on. Who would have thought 10 years ago as I was getting so excited to legally buy alochol in one short year that I would be battling all of this drama on my body years later.
So what is keratosis pilaris? It's a hormonal change after you give birth, or really it can be in anyone, mine just appeared after having Holt. My arms are covered in tiny lil whitehead bumps which is basically my keratin cells getting stuck under my skin not able to leave my body. Whatever. They are ugly, bumpy, and make me super self conscious in sleeveless shirts. But, hey, I live in Texas and I have no choice. And by the way, it's dominant so there will be a 50% chance I pass it along to my children. I'm now using a $25 lotion to eliminate the bumps...it's been 3 weeks, they're still there. I'll have to use it forever or they will come back.
If you saw my FB post, you know I am totally freaked out by diastasis recti. My ab muscles are so weak from my babies that my stomach just pushes right through them when I'm full or just standing there. I still look pregnant because of this. Y'all are so nice and saying I look great, blah blah blah. I want to wear tighter fitting shirts again and I want to wear a 2 piece bathing suit again. None of this will happen until I am certain a stranger won't ask, "So how far along are you? You're just cranking them out aren't you!" It could totally happen. Not to mention, I still have a very dark and visible linea negra so I wouldn't blame someone for asking me if I was expecting again. That stupid thing won't go away.
I looked in the mirror one day and saw sun damage. I totally abused my skin in high school and college. My face is showing the proof. Thank you Retin A, I will be using you the rest of my life as well as another expensive face lotion "for best results."
Kidney stones, oh kidney stones. I did not know I had these until I was pregnant with Jett and I passed them. At 32 weeks I was hospitalized with major pains and unknown to me, small contractions. I knew I should have gone to the hospital. I woke up in the most excruciating pain from my back to the front. I thought it was a UTI. After taking a prescription, it did not get better within a few hours so I asked to go to the hospital. They took me to labor and delivery and gave me my drip of drugs. I don't remember what they were, but they were amazing. After an ultrasound they saw I had kidney stones. I passed 3 a week later...and it was weird. After I had Jett I was told to go back to my urologist for a follow up. An X-Ray and an MRI showed I still had kidney stones that my urologist said "Are going to get you eventually." Oh joy. There was only one that could be seen in the X ray, so I was not a good candidate for a procedure to remove it. So I'm a ticking time bomb for more excruciating pain someday, could be tomorrow, could be 10 years from now. There is no way of knowing. So what is causing the kidney stones? It could have been something in my diet or something I was not producing. Turns out I have incredibly low citrate levels. Thanks to a 24 hour urine test, they were able to find this. That's right. I pee into a bowl then dump it into a giant container and mix it around after 24 hours. Then I drop the sample off at my doctor's office. An abnormally low citrate level that is concerning is 320...mine was 107. My body does not make enough citrate to prevent the stones from forming. I went on a prescription that I would have to take my entire life. After 3 months and another 24 hour urine test, my doctor saw my pH levels were too high because of the medicine. I didn't like the medicine anyways, so I was fine with stopping. Now I am on magnesium oxide and 2 glasses of Simply Lemonade a day. I am due for another urine test so we will see what is wacky this time. My doctor said this is a lifelong problem and he will see my children grow and I will see his grow. Fabulous.
So I can only credit this all to getting older. I was fine with 30 coming up...now I am terrified what in the heck my body will do next. I mean this is weird stuff. TMI...nah.