This has been floating around Facebook and I have been putting it off after being assigned this number. I honestly wasn't going to do anything about it. Then I found myself thinking of things I could write. So I decided why not share some of the things about myself that make me ME?
1) My sister and I shared a bed pretty much until the day I left for college. We had our own rooms, but she crept into my room every night and we ALWAYS said, "Goodnight, love you, see you tomorrow."
2) In my car, the air has to be on 60, 65, or 70. After 70 it can be intervals of 2. 72, 74, 76, 78, 80, etc. I have no clue why, but odd numbers, besides 5 really bother me...mostly just in the car.
3) In early November 2009, I prayed that God would come into my life and have a stronger presence. 2 weeks later, a positive pregnancy test proved that he did that very week I started praying. I was not "regular" as they say and had absolutely no idea I could even conceive at that time.
4) I hate my body and I always have, even before kids. Except my butt, I have always loved my butt. AKA my Shea-lo.
5) I consider my C Section scar a badge of courage, a tiger stripe, and I secretly love it for what it resembles. Who needs a tattoo when you have a full on, still tender, crooked daily reminder of how my children got here? Side note: I hate the roll of fat it caused above it. Moving on...
6) I have always pictured myself as the mom of 3 boys...for as long as I can remember. So far so good.
7) I was not one of those little girls that dreamed of my wedding day. I did not enjoy planning a wedding and I had pretty much zero interest in doing anything "outside the box". All I wanted was my husband and to start our lives together. Kyle made just as many decisions as me and planned the same amount (if not more than me) for our wedding. He chose the place, the Honeymoon, pretty much did our whole registry, and then some. I was just happy to be marrying the man I had always dreamed of...and he still is.
8) I left a job in 2011 where I was making close to 6 figures (in a down economy) to become a stay at home mom. I was also the breadwinner. I had no business doing this. Kyle was nothing but supportive and assured me "God will provide." He got promoted and transferred to Houston 3 months later.
Aside from the weird quirky things I posted above, what I found myself wanting to share the most were the moments where I saw God having a hand in my life. Ever since that positive pregnancy test, which was Holt, I feel like God and I have a deal. I asked for Him to come into my life, He did, and now I try to spend my days getting better at being closer to Him. I'm still new on my "walk" and so green about it. What would you share about yourself?
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Monday, November 4, 2013
Food Therapy Week 2
I thought I would go ahead and update weekly, since I'm sending an email to my family each week, I can easily post here. For those of you that are interested anyways. I did not get a chance to update last week
because it was so crazy with Halloween going on right after therapy. He
did really well, but given the menu I was not surprised. It was Sun
Butter (sunflower seed butter, which is an alternative to peanut butter
should someone in class have a nut allergy), bread, jelly, celery,
raisins, and caramel apples. He tried a bite of celery and spit it out.
He is certainly more willing to try things at therapy versus at home,
but he has improved at least trying them. The All Done Cup does help
encourage him to at least try food he would have normally pushed away,
which he is doing. He is quick to tell you if he will put it to his
mouth or actually take a bite. I'll take anything at this point. He is
fully aware if he likes something he can put it in his tummy, which he
decided to do with some refried beans last night.
They told
us that we should not use dessert or sweets as a reward anymore. It's
the first thing that comes out of my mouth when I'm trying to get him to
eat something. Basically it should be part of the meal and not the end
reward. Sweets suppress the appetite. However, if meal time is really
not going well, go ahead and give into the sweet, but return to the
other foods also. Seems backwards, but this is all new to all of us! You
can reward with other things that are not food, like stickers or
staying up a little later. Serving size: 1 tablespoon per year of age of each nutritional group. (fruits, veggies, protein, grains) This is probably how he has been able to maintain a "healthy" weight. What he doesn't eat in one category, he makes up for in another. Also, only 3 foods should be offered at a meal, at most 5. Obviously this is a lot of work and I have not been very good at this rule, but it is my goal going forward to take a little more time preparing more fresh meals with seasonings he might actually enjoy. Frankly, I wouldn't want to eat frozen peas and carrots either. Really toddlers do not require that much food, for instance 1 slice of bread is more than a serving size. Also, 4 crackers is considered a serving. We all know Holt can eat him some crackers! Here are some more that might surprise you: 1/2 cup of rice and cereal, 1/2 cup beans, and 3/4 egg.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Holt's Feeding Disorder
I finally have some answers, although very vague ones in what is going on with Holt's feeding issues. Many of you that know me and my family are aware of what a major issue this is for us. I count my blessings that this is the only "issue" we really have with him. Things were really put in perspective for me when I took him for his evaluation with the occupational therapist last week. A mother with her son in the waiting room commented on how articulate Holt was and how well he spoke for a 3 year old. She was there with her nonverbal autistic 8 year old. She has 4 sons and her husband is gone for 2-3 weeks at a time every month. When I told her we were there for a feeding issue, she told me I should just be very thankful that he is healthy. She was very nice about it, and I completely agree. However, for us this is a major issue and I truly need some help in this department with him. He is anemic due to lack of iron in his diet. My fear if this is not resolved is him passing out at the T-ball tee or soccer field as he grows up. It's not ok that you do not put healthy fuel in your body on a daily basis.
I really had to press the issue with my pediatrician. I've been telling him since he was 15 months old that I thought there was a problem. I did just chalk it up to being picky at the time, but then it got worse not better. Which is a major sign of a feeding disorder. He goes through what we call a jag, meaning he does not return to foods that he used to like. A picky eater will be tired of mac n cheese for example, but go back to it after a break. Holt has never returned to foods he stopped eating, so his list of foods has just decreased and decreased over time. He kept saying it was normal and to give him pediasure to fill in the calories. Finally at his 3 year check up I would not accept this anymore and said I needed to resolve this issue. That's when he got tested for anemia. He handled that finger prick like a champ until he couldn't take it anymore. I told him he could cry and he finally did after about a minute of her squeezing his poor little finger trying to get the blood out. From there we met with a dietician which was pointless. She said I needed the Feeding Disorder Clinic, which I already knew. Most pediatricians will say it's normal for kids to be picky and they will eat when they are hungry. This isn't acceptable to me or an OT because yes they will eat, but what will they eat? Fruit snacks? Goldfish? There is nothing good for the body in those items.
There are a variety of reasons for why he could have this feeding disorder and we may never really know the true cause of it, especially if it can't be medically diagnosed, such as reflux. This is a long process, up to 6 months, possibly more. For him it boils down to a true fear of food. It's possible something happened to him when he was little, such as choking, and we may not have even been aware of it. Something traumatic like that has completely turned him against food. He is fine with crackers and yogurt and some other weird things like edamame and pickles. They asked me in therapy what I can rely on him always eating and it's crackers and yogurt. They said he is a classic feeding disorder case. Per their directions I brought some preferred foods (pretzels, strawberries, cheese) and non preferred foods (hot dog, chicken nugget, rice and cheese). He verbally refused all the non preferred foods and barely touched the preferred. It was an easy "diagnosis" for them. They recommended him for feeding group therapy once a week.
They start with about 20 minutes in a sensory gym to "de-sensitize" and get all the "boy wiggles" out so they can better focus in the group setting. I am sitting on the other side of a one way mirror with a speech therapist learning about what needs to be done at home. We can hear them and see them, but they cannot hear and see us. This week they made Mad Scientist Wraps with tortilla, ham lunch meat, cheese, lettuce, carrots, blueberries, and pickles. Every week they will work with various foods and textures. They start by touching the food, smelling it, licking it, kissing it, biting it and spitting it out. They rarely will chew or swallow the food, it's the last step of a 20 step process. They are just getting familiar with it. He totally refused the ham at first, but did kiss it and put it in his "All Done Cup".
That brings me to the first idea we will be implementing at home, the "All Done Cup". At each meal I will give him a cup (probably one of his superhero plastic cups from HEB) and place it next to his plate. He cannot flat out refuse his food anymore. He will have to use one of his senses before putting it in the All Done Cup. This eliminates the stress for everyone because I no longer have to force him to try something or swallow it. Once I tell him what he needs to do with it and he does it, in the All Done Cup it goes and he does not have to revisit it again. She told me to stop forcing him to do anything now that he is in therapy, it's not worth the struggle and stress. Also, meal times will be 20 minutes, 30 minutes tops. No more sitting there with him for an hour because after 30 minutes nothing is going to change anyways she said. We basically need to reestablish trust in him again at meal times.
We are on the right track! I cannot express how relieved I am to know I am not alone in this matter and that I truly am not crazy. They asked me if I had any questions and I said, "So I'm not crazy? He really does have a problem?" They exclaimed, "Ohhhh yes! There is a big problem." So I encourage you Mommas to stick to your instincts and not just accept what your pedi says if you do not believe it's right. You know your kids better than anyone! If you think your child might have some issues like this, ask your doctor. They will have to write a referral if there is a feeding therapy clinic available in your area. I almost cried when we left therapy yesterday and Holt was just so excited with himself that he tried a bite of a carrot! Whatever your "issue" is with your kids, seek help so you don't have to live a stressful life and you can enjoy motherhood to its fullest!
I really had to press the issue with my pediatrician. I've been telling him since he was 15 months old that I thought there was a problem. I did just chalk it up to being picky at the time, but then it got worse not better. Which is a major sign of a feeding disorder. He goes through what we call a jag, meaning he does not return to foods that he used to like. A picky eater will be tired of mac n cheese for example, but go back to it after a break. Holt has never returned to foods he stopped eating, so his list of foods has just decreased and decreased over time. He kept saying it was normal and to give him pediasure to fill in the calories. Finally at his 3 year check up I would not accept this anymore and said I needed to resolve this issue. That's when he got tested for anemia. He handled that finger prick like a champ until he couldn't take it anymore. I told him he could cry and he finally did after about a minute of her squeezing his poor little finger trying to get the blood out. From there we met with a dietician which was pointless. She said I needed the Feeding Disorder Clinic, which I already knew. Most pediatricians will say it's normal for kids to be picky and they will eat when they are hungry. This isn't acceptable to me or an OT because yes they will eat, but what will they eat? Fruit snacks? Goldfish? There is nothing good for the body in those items.
There are a variety of reasons for why he could have this feeding disorder and we may never really know the true cause of it, especially if it can't be medically diagnosed, such as reflux. This is a long process, up to 6 months, possibly more. For him it boils down to a true fear of food. It's possible something happened to him when he was little, such as choking, and we may not have even been aware of it. Something traumatic like that has completely turned him against food. He is fine with crackers and yogurt and some other weird things like edamame and pickles. They asked me in therapy what I can rely on him always eating and it's crackers and yogurt. They said he is a classic feeding disorder case. Per their directions I brought some preferred foods (pretzels, strawberries, cheese) and non preferred foods (hot dog, chicken nugget, rice and cheese). He verbally refused all the non preferred foods and barely touched the preferred. It was an easy "diagnosis" for them. They recommended him for feeding group therapy once a week.
They start with about 20 minutes in a sensory gym to "de-sensitize" and get all the "boy wiggles" out so they can better focus in the group setting. I am sitting on the other side of a one way mirror with a speech therapist learning about what needs to be done at home. We can hear them and see them, but they cannot hear and see us. This week they made Mad Scientist Wraps with tortilla, ham lunch meat, cheese, lettuce, carrots, blueberries, and pickles. Every week they will work with various foods and textures. They start by touching the food, smelling it, licking it, kissing it, biting it and spitting it out. They rarely will chew or swallow the food, it's the last step of a 20 step process. They are just getting familiar with it. He totally refused the ham at first, but did kiss it and put it in his "All Done Cup".
That brings me to the first idea we will be implementing at home, the "All Done Cup". At each meal I will give him a cup (probably one of his superhero plastic cups from HEB) and place it next to his plate. He cannot flat out refuse his food anymore. He will have to use one of his senses before putting it in the All Done Cup. This eliminates the stress for everyone because I no longer have to force him to try something or swallow it. Once I tell him what he needs to do with it and he does it, in the All Done Cup it goes and he does not have to revisit it again. She told me to stop forcing him to do anything now that he is in therapy, it's not worth the struggle and stress. Also, meal times will be 20 minutes, 30 minutes tops. No more sitting there with him for an hour because after 30 minutes nothing is going to change anyways she said. We basically need to reestablish trust in him again at meal times.
We are on the right track! I cannot express how relieved I am to know I am not alone in this matter and that I truly am not crazy. They asked me if I had any questions and I said, "So I'm not crazy? He really does have a problem?" They exclaimed, "Ohhhh yes! There is a big problem." So I encourage you Mommas to stick to your instincts and not just accept what your pedi says if you do not believe it's right. You know your kids better than anyone! If you think your child might have some issues like this, ask your doctor. They will have to write a referral if there is a feeding therapy clinic available in your area. I almost cried when we left therapy yesterday and Holt was just so excited with himself that he tried a bite of a carrot! Whatever your "issue" is with your kids, seek help so you don't have to live a stressful life and you can enjoy motherhood to its fullest!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
My Mommy AHA Moment
It's me again, the Rainbow and Butterfly squasher, here to put real life in perspective and make others feel normal. Or maybe I'm the abnormal one and should look into that further (anyone know a shrink?). Regardless, I don't think most of us are spending our "spare" time as moms creating sensory stations of oatmeal and shaving cream for our infants and putting up tape in a doorway for our toddler boys to throw stuff at like it's a spiderweb. Kinda goes against the whole "Don't throw things in the house!" doesn't it? And if you are, that's fantastic, good for you, applause applause. I wonder where in your life do you feel you fall short, if I am feeling I fall short where you are excelling? Because lets be real, no one truly is that perfect
I've had a rough time lately, a really rough time. I've had tears, and major discussions with myself about what my life is about. There's a Kenny Chesney song with a lyric that goes:
I've had a rough time lately, a really rough time. I've had tears, and major discussions with myself about what my life is about. There's a Kenny Chesney song with a lyric that goes:
"She said the girl I was with the business degree probably wouldn't recognize me.
I was gonna run the bank.
I was gonna run the math.
Now all I want to run is a bubble bath."
I was gonna run the bank.
I was gonna run the math.
Now all I want to run is a bubble bath."
And that's how I feel. I'm the girl with the business degree and I know for a fact she wouldn't recognize me. I told Kyle when I was deciding to become a stay at home mom, that I needed a job description. I needed a list of his expectations because that's how my mind works. I like business. If this was any other job in the world, I honestly feel like I would have been fired by now. They're my kids and they're my husband so they can't fire me. I want to fire myself because I feel like I am failing at it...every single day.
Here's what happened this morning. Like every morning, I'm running around like a crazy person changing diapers, wiping bottoms, grabbing Superman underwear, he wants Spiderman underwear, pouring milk, making it chocolate, he didn't want chocolate, making it regular again, making him a bowl of cereal, he didn't want milk, toss out the cereal, put cereal in a cup, looking for shoes and socks I know I saw the day before, picking up a milk cup off the ground, putting on mascara on the other eye I forgot, packing the ice pack in lunch so his yogurt stays cold, don't forget the spoon, chasing kids to comb their hair, convincing him to put his shoes on, he's looking for Batman, put your shoes on, I scream. I lose it. I lose my cool completely. I lose it so bad I have floated out of my body and the girl with the business degree looked down and wondered who that girl down there yelling at her 3 year old is. I turn everything over to God and pray for him to please show me the way, I don't like that person. I surrender to You. In the midst of fighting back my tears a few minutes later, my 3 year old walks over to me with all his innocence and says "Mommy, maybe if I hug you, you will feel better." Hello God. I lose it again, this time it's tears rolling down my face. I apologize and tell him I love him. We get in the car and he says "Are we best friends again?" I've been convicted. This was my AHA moment. I don't know what to do from here but I know I've reached the point where I need to be honest with myself and make some changes. Maybe it's ordering a book, (I already have one on the way), maybe it's spending more time alone, maybe it's deciding to get my house in order (ha), maybe it's talking with my doctor, maybe it's a bottle of wine with my girlfriends, maybe it's time away with my husband, go to the gym, get more involved at Church, who knows. Being a mom is hard, it's really hard, and no one tells you why it's hard. That's what I am here for.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Happy First Birthday Jett
Dear Jett,
I have no idea where time has gone this past year. I can still remember that moment where you kicked me one last time before they took you out of my belly, like it was a week ago! I know I say it all the time, but you are my ray of sunshine, my bright spot on dark days, and my cuddly lovey baby boy. You are so much fun to be around and have quite the funny personality. You adore your big brother and I know you will be great friends. It's such a joy and privilege to watch this special sibling bond form between you two. It's hard to say what toys you like to play with because you just want what Holt is playing with. You like to throw balls and chase them. You drop things and pick them up, you like to open and close doors, and you love to chase Bentley or daa-daa as you call him. That's your only word really, you know Bentley the doggy as daa-daa. Same as your older brother did. You say Mama when you are really mad or want some attention or to get down from your highchair, but I am not entirely sure you mean it as me your Mama. In the car you like to "talk" to me and Holt by getting us to copy what you are doing. We make the same sound and you copy us back. Holt thinks this is hilarious. You love bathtime and playing with a bunch of toys and sucking on washcloths. You also start bobbing up and down and flailing your arms when you hear music, you're quite the dancer.
We got off to a rocky start when you were born because you cried for the first 4 months of your life it seems like. I'm sure it wasn't that bad but when I think back to that time, it sure felt like it. The rest of the year you have spent on my hip or in my arms. There is really no place you would rather be. You reach to get down only to get there and turn and reach back up for me to hold you some more. I have gotten very talented at using one hand to get things done. I cherish the times that you still want to be held because before long you'll be off and running wanting to spend all your time with Holt. You are finally a great napper, but you have always been a great sleeper at night. You even reach for your bed when you are just done being rocked. Some nights you don't want to read your books even, you just lay your head down on my shoulder so I can rock you. It's so sweet. You are very happy unless you are teething. You got your top 4 teeth in about a week, and that explained a lot. Now you have 6 teefers!
You are a good eater, so far. You will try whatever I put in front of you and most the time you like it. You really like yogurt, meatballs, bananas, and eggs. I keep telling your brother that you will be bigger than him by next year if he doesn't start eating better! I am so proud of you and your willingness to try new foods! You adjusted great to whole milk, except for the whole tummy thing. Poor guy. We are officially bottle free, a feat I wasn't sure would happen because you really liked your bottle!
You love people. You don't really have much of the stranger anxiety, as long as I am near. You have even warmed up to other people holding you when I am around, but usually people you know. It's usually short lived, but it's a start. Daddy really loves it when you crawl over to his feet and reach up to be held. He gets really surprised that you want him and he just loves to know you love him so much too. You are also very sensitive. You do not like to hear the word "no". You almost immediately start crying and crawl over to me. I see what you're doing...and it's working.
I can only imagine what this next year holds for you as you grow and change into a little boy. You aren't quite ready to walk yet, but I'm sure you will be in a couple months. It's a joy to be your mommy and I'm holding you to that promise you made me...that you will be my baby boy forever.
One year stats:
21lbs 10oz (60%)
30.5in (75%)
Size 4 diaper
Size 4 shoe
12-18month clothes
I have no idea where time has gone this past year. I can still remember that moment where you kicked me one last time before they took you out of my belly, like it was a week ago! I know I say it all the time, but you are my ray of sunshine, my bright spot on dark days, and my cuddly lovey baby boy. You are so much fun to be around and have quite the funny personality. You adore your big brother and I know you will be great friends. It's such a joy and privilege to watch this special sibling bond form between you two. It's hard to say what toys you like to play with because you just want what Holt is playing with. You like to throw balls and chase them. You drop things and pick them up, you like to open and close doors, and you love to chase Bentley or daa-daa as you call him. That's your only word really, you know Bentley the doggy as daa-daa. Same as your older brother did. You say Mama when you are really mad or want some attention or to get down from your highchair, but I am not entirely sure you mean it as me your Mama. In the car you like to "talk" to me and Holt by getting us to copy what you are doing. We make the same sound and you copy us back. Holt thinks this is hilarious. You love bathtime and playing with a bunch of toys and sucking on washcloths. You also start bobbing up and down and flailing your arms when you hear music, you're quite the dancer.
We got off to a rocky start when you were born because you cried for the first 4 months of your life it seems like. I'm sure it wasn't that bad but when I think back to that time, it sure felt like it. The rest of the year you have spent on my hip or in my arms. There is really no place you would rather be. You reach to get down only to get there and turn and reach back up for me to hold you some more. I have gotten very talented at using one hand to get things done. I cherish the times that you still want to be held because before long you'll be off and running wanting to spend all your time with Holt. You are finally a great napper, but you have always been a great sleeper at night. You even reach for your bed when you are just done being rocked. Some nights you don't want to read your books even, you just lay your head down on my shoulder so I can rock you. It's so sweet. You are very happy unless you are teething. You got your top 4 teeth in about a week, and that explained a lot. Now you have 6 teefers!
You are a good eater, so far. You will try whatever I put in front of you and most the time you like it. You really like yogurt, meatballs, bananas, and eggs. I keep telling your brother that you will be bigger than him by next year if he doesn't start eating better! I am so proud of you and your willingness to try new foods! You adjusted great to whole milk, except for the whole tummy thing. Poor guy. We are officially bottle free, a feat I wasn't sure would happen because you really liked your bottle!
You love people. You don't really have much of the stranger anxiety, as long as I am near. You have even warmed up to other people holding you when I am around, but usually people you know. It's usually short lived, but it's a start. Daddy really loves it when you crawl over to his feet and reach up to be held. He gets really surprised that you want him and he just loves to know you love him so much too. You are also very sensitive. You do not like to hear the word "no". You almost immediately start crying and crawl over to me. I see what you're doing...and it's working.
I can only imagine what this next year holds for you as you grow and change into a little boy. You aren't quite ready to walk yet, but I'm sure you will be in a couple months. It's a joy to be your mommy and I'm holding you to that promise you made me...that you will be my baby boy forever.
One year stats:
21lbs 10oz (60%)
30.5in (75%)
Size 4 diaper
Size 4 shoe
12-18month clothes
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Silly face |
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You were so happy to ride the carousel for the first time |
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Loves to swing |
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Trying to be like Holt |
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Cherishing these moments, they are over so quick |
Thursday, September 5, 2013
This is 30
I've contemplated writing this blog a lot. I figured I would go for it. 30 years is a long time. You meet people that make you who you are, you live through things that mold your character, you endure challenges. Or maybe you don't. I did and for me This is 30. This is personal, this is raw, this is real, this is my first 30 years. This is 30, a list of things that have made me who I am at 30, in chronological order, for the most part.
This is 7lbs 8oz at birth, born in Oklahoma City on September 4th 1983
This is getting a baby sister at age 3
This is have my innocence stolen by a daycare worker
This is moving to Oregon at 6
This is the loss of my Grandpa and Uncle within a month of each other
This is moving to Texas at 9
This is always being the shortest and smallest in my class
This is having a cosmetic procedure on my ears at 13 (they stuck out)
This is my parents divorce in 8th grade
This is getting braces in 10th grade
This is teenage girl drama
This is being accepted to TCU
This is first love heartbreak
This is my 2 half brothers being born
This is finding the love of my life and knowing it immediately
This is my first real job making $36,500
This is getting engaged on the empty lot where our home would be
This is my wedding day
This is the loss of an addict Uncle
This is a career change and being the breadwinner
This is finding God
This is the birth of my first son
This is becoming a Stay at Home Mom
This is moving back to Houston
This is the birth of my second son
This is overcoming postpartum depression
This is a C section scar, a flabby tummy, and stretch marks
This is an imperfect body my husband thinks is perfect
This is learning to love myself again
This is hating myself for not loving myself
This is me questioning myself as a mother daily
This is seeing God in my life everyday
This is personal
This is Me
This is 30
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This is 30, this was not easy to post |
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Jett is 11 months!
My oh my, where has this time gone? I can't believe he's so close to turning 1! I think about this time last year and how miserable I was getting and how excited I was to meet this baby, this big baby. Jett is learning more and more by the day. He's on the move cruising around trying to get big brother's toys. I don't even know what he likes because he's completely disinterested in baby toys. Nothing is as exciting as the Superheroes with buttons and lights! He does like his play and learn table still. He's climbing on more and more things, specifically places that give me heart attacks like the fireplace and step stools. There has not been a lot of changes other than just being more mobile. He really tries to say Mama, especially when he's bored or mad, but it comes out NeNe, haha! He can say Mama, but has not put the two together as far as identifying me. He's starting to learn words when I ask him where something is, mostly just family members but we are working on things like ball and book too. I keep waiting for him to start waving, which I know Holt was doing by now, but I also blame myself a lot for things like this. I had all my time to spend with Holt and teaching him words, sounds, objects, you name it. Poor Jett doesn't get the same undivided attention, but that comes with the territory of having more than one child. Any spare time I have with just me and Jett, I try to play or "teach" him, but once Holt is around, he just wants to be doing what he is doing.
He is still a major Mama's boy. He wants nothing to do with other people, mostly if I am around. Kyle always says, "He was fine until you walked in!" Haha! As soon as he sees me, it's like whoever just had him was torturing him tremendously. He's happiest on my hip or crawling at my feet.
We have introduced a lot a new food, not all of them I will remember, but I pretty much give him anything we are eating just to try. He has tried ravioli with tomato sauce, plums, peaches, pears, apples, meatballs, chicken nuggets, pasta, tortilla, waffles, pancakes, grilled cheese, PBJ, etc. Kyle gave him some PBJ one night without even remembering that babies are not supposed to consume it until after they are one, so luckily we found out he does not have a peanut allergy. Now he likes it just fine! Jett does pretty well with finger foods, but still eats baby food too. This is pretty odd for a baby of his age, but I'm ok with it because I know what he is getting. I can't say that he eats anything and everything I put in front of him, but he will almost always try it. He mostly just plays with it, but from the looks of him, he's not starving. He takes 4 6oz bottles a day and we have started to wean him from the bottle. This is not coming as easy as it did with Holt. I may just have to go cold turkey from the bottle because I do not want him on one after he is 1. We will also introduce some whole milk here and there over the next month until he is 1 so it is less of a shock to his system.
He takes 2 naps a day, one at 10:30 and one at 3. He does better sleeping later in the day because he gets really tired for bed around 7 or so. He is started to be able to take or leave his morning nap, so I am sure that will be dropped around 14 months or so, much like Holt did. I still prefer him to get his morning nap, but some times he just sits in there and plays for an hour and then I don't see the point! I would rather be out and about getting stuff done or going to the gym. His morning naps are short 30 minutes, sometimes a little longer and his afternoon naps are usually almost 2 hours. It's nice to know he is settled into a more regular sleep pattern since that was a big struggle for us early on. He sleeps from about 8-7:30. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but he's good for about 11 hours straight at night.
Some other facts:
12 month clothes, really need to find those 18 month hand me downs!
Size 4 diaper
Finger foods at every meal
Not a sippy cup perfectionist, but will at least drink from it now
He's my Mr. Million Dollar Smile! He has the BEST smile. I can't wait to see all the learning and growing in store these next few months for him!
He is still a major Mama's boy. He wants nothing to do with other people, mostly if I am around. Kyle always says, "He was fine until you walked in!" Haha! As soon as he sees me, it's like whoever just had him was torturing him tremendously. He's happiest on my hip or crawling at my feet.
We have introduced a lot a new food, not all of them I will remember, but I pretty much give him anything we are eating just to try. He has tried ravioli with tomato sauce, plums, peaches, pears, apples, meatballs, chicken nuggets, pasta, tortilla, waffles, pancakes, grilled cheese, PBJ, etc. Kyle gave him some PBJ one night without even remembering that babies are not supposed to consume it until after they are one, so luckily we found out he does not have a peanut allergy. Now he likes it just fine! Jett does pretty well with finger foods, but still eats baby food too. This is pretty odd for a baby of his age, but I'm ok with it because I know what he is getting. I can't say that he eats anything and everything I put in front of him, but he will almost always try it. He mostly just plays with it, but from the looks of him, he's not starving. He takes 4 6oz bottles a day and we have started to wean him from the bottle. This is not coming as easy as it did with Holt. I may just have to go cold turkey from the bottle because I do not want him on one after he is 1. We will also introduce some whole milk here and there over the next month until he is 1 so it is less of a shock to his system.
He takes 2 naps a day, one at 10:30 and one at 3. He does better sleeping later in the day because he gets really tired for bed around 7 or so. He is started to be able to take or leave his morning nap, so I am sure that will be dropped around 14 months or so, much like Holt did. I still prefer him to get his morning nap, but some times he just sits in there and plays for an hour and then I don't see the point! I would rather be out and about getting stuff done or going to the gym. His morning naps are short 30 minutes, sometimes a little longer and his afternoon naps are usually almost 2 hours. It's nice to know he is settled into a more regular sleep pattern since that was a big struggle for us early on. He sleeps from about 8-7:30. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but he's good for about 11 hours straight at night.
Some other facts:
12 month clothes, really need to find those 18 month hand me downs!
Size 4 diaper
Finger foods at every meal
Not a sippy cup perfectionist, but will at least drink from it now
He's my Mr. Million Dollar Smile! He has the BEST smile. I can't wait to see all the learning and growing in store these next few months for him!
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Smash Cake Practice |
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Typical sight around here with boys, Night Stand-1 Jett-0 |
Thursday, August 8, 2013
My 3 Year Old Superhero
To my sweet Holt,
You are 3 now. I still remember everything about the days leading up to your birth and the day of your birth like it was yesterday. I can't believe you're 3, it's major big boy stuff now. This has been a big year of changes for you. Soon after you turned 2, you welcomed your little brother Jett into your world. You have quickly become Big Brother of the Year! From the early days of completely ignoring him and wanting nothing to do with him to being very concerned about him if he is crying or sleeping. You always want to help with him and I catch you giving him hugs and kisses. I couldn't ask for a better big brother for him. You always ask me, "Is Jett coming?" when we are getting ready to leave the house. You make him laugh when he is sad and you are always helping him choose "baby friendly" toys. You say, "Oh Jett is too little to play with this, I go get him one of his toys." I am so lucky to witness your growing bond and friendship on a daily basis.
You also were potty trained in March! This was something I was truly dreading, but like most things, you made it easier than I could have ever imagined. We decided over Easter weekend in March that you would not be wearing diapers anymore. Daddy took you to the store to buy your own little potty when we discovered the big one was more challenging. You had an accident right there in the aisle at HEB! OOPS. Daddy sat with you and read books and watched YouTube videos with you while you got the hang of it. The next day we went to Church in the evening for Easter and you asked Mommy to take you to go "wee wee". I was so proud of you! On Easter Sunday, Daddy took you to an Astros game in a pull-up just in case. 3 times you asked him to take you to the bathroom to do your business, both kinds. There was no turning back from that point! You have had a small accident here and there (mostly in the first week) but I considered you fully potty trained within a week! For something I was dreading so much, I can't imagine you being in diapers anymore! You still sleep in a pull-up at night, but 9 times of of 10 you are still dry in the morning.
You also went from a toddler bed to a big boy bed! Another change I was dreading, but you did great. We put pillows on the side just in case you fall out. You hardly ever get out of your bed unless we come and get you, same after your nap. You really like your bed too and you share it with all of your monkeys. You sleep with at least 10 things in your bed, mostly your monkeys, but any new toy has been known to sleep with you the first few days. I also find books in your bed, you still love books. I love to see you sleeping, you look like the sweet baby I brought home 3 years ago.
You are still the pickiest eater I have ever known. When I tell people how picky you are, they are in disbelief. I can't even call it picky because that would mean you actually try food and decide you don't like it. You just look at food and decide you don't want anything to do with it. You don't like the foods that most toddlers survive on like chicken nuggets, pizza, mac n cheese, and hot dogs. You won't touch those, except maybe an occasional Chickfila nugget. Your daily diet consists of something for breakfast (poptart, cereal, breakfast cookies, and a fruit) crackers and yogurt pretty much make up the rest of the day. You will almost always eat queso when we go out to eat, but not the rice or beans and most the time not even the tortilla. You obviously aren't starving, but I have no idea where your energy comes from. You eat nothing! You are learning to like more fruits but will not touch vegetables of any kind. I've tried everything to sneak in more nutrition for you and you refuse it every time. You're even choosy about the flavor of pediasure I give you, which we call a milkshake.
I must say you are very well behaved. I get compliments about how well behaved you are, especially from your teachers at school. My little teacher's pet, somehow that does not surprise me. They tell me all the time what a great listener you are. So I wonder how that changes when I bring you home? For the most part you listen to what we tell you, sometimes you choose not to listen at all and keep doing exactly what we have just told you not to. Mommy gets very frustrated with you when do you not listen to me. I think you are so smart and that you know better, but maybe sometimes you just don't. You're so good so often, that I find it hard to deal with you when you aren't minding me. You are also very smart. You have a vocabulary that shocks me (narwhal, what?). You can remember anything and everything which has proved to be a blessing and a curse.
All of your toys must now come in collections. Toy Story and Superheros are your favorite. You can't just play with Buzz and Woody, you have to have the entire cast of characters. We've been working on adding to your collection since Christmas. Luckily for your birthday, you got most of your Superhero action figures. However, we don't have Thor, gosh forbid, and we hear about it all the time. On top of those loves, you love dancing and singing, and playing instruments. I think you like the instruments so you can sing loudly. I'm also impressed with your pop culture knowledge. You can spot a Pink song within seconds. I'm not sure how this love come about, but I think it's really funny.
You've also gotten in touch with your spiritual side. You enjoy saying your prayers, mostly thanking God for what you have. After every prayer at dinner you say, "Wow, that's a good prayer Mommy and Daddy". You also really enjoy Sunday School at our new church. You even cried one Sunday when we couldn't go.
You're 3, and you're all boy, and you're all ours. We love you Holt Cannon Kummer.
You are 3 now. I still remember everything about the days leading up to your birth and the day of your birth like it was yesterday. I can't believe you're 3, it's major big boy stuff now. This has been a big year of changes for you. Soon after you turned 2, you welcomed your little brother Jett into your world. You have quickly become Big Brother of the Year! From the early days of completely ignoring him and wanting nothing to do with him to being very concerned about him if he is crying or sleeping. You always want to help with him and I catch you giving him hugs and kisses. I couldn't ask for a better big brother for him. You always ask me, "Is Jett coming?" when we are getting ready to leave the house. You make him laugh when he is sad and you are always helping him choose "baby friendly" toys. You say, "Oh Jett is too little to play with this, I go get him one of his toys." I am so lucky to witness your growing bond and friendship on a daily basis.
You also were potty trained in March! This was something I was truly dreading, but like most things, you made it easier than I could have ever imagined. We decided over Easter weekend in March that you would not be wearing diapers anymore. Daddy took you to the store to buy your own little potty when we discovered the big one was more challenging. You had an accident right there in the aisle at HEB! OOPS. Daddy sat with you and read books and watched YouTube videos with you while you got the hang of it. The next day we went to Church in the evening for Easter and you asked Mommy to take you to go "wee wee". I was so proud of you! On Easter Sunday, Daddy took you to an Astros game in a pull-up just in case. 3 times you asked him to take you to the bathroom to do your business, both kinds. There was no turning back from that point! You have had a small accident here and there (mostly in the first week) but I considered you fully potty trained within a week! For something I was dreading so much, I can't imagine you being in diapers anymore! You still sleep in a pull-up at night, but 9 times of of 10 you are still dry in the morning.
You also went from a toddler bed to a big boy bed! Another change I was dreading, but you did great. We put pillows on the side just in case you fall out. You hardly ever get out of your bed unless we come and get you, same after your nap. You really like your bed too and you share it with all of your monkeys. You sleep with at least 10 things in your bed, mostly your monkeys, but any new toy has been known to sleep with you the first few days. I also find books in your bed, you still love books. I love to see you sleeping, you look like the sweet baby I brought home 3 years ago.
You are still the pickiest eater I have ever known. When I tell people how picky you are, they are in disbelief. I can't even call it picky because that would mean you actually try food and decide you don't like it. You just look at food and decide you don't want anything to do with it. You don't like the foods that most toddlers survive on like chicken nuggets, pizza, mac n cheese, and hot dogs. You won't touch those, except maybe an occasional Chickfila nugget. Your daily diet consists of something for breakfast (poptart, cereal, breakfast cookies, and a fruit) crackers and yogurt pretty much make up the rest of the day. You will almost always eat queso when we go out to eat, but not the rice or beans and most the time not even the tortilla. You obviously aren't starving, but I have no idea where your energy comes from. You eat nothing! You are learning to like more fruits but will not touch vegetables of any kind. I've tried everything to sneak in more nutrition for you and you refuse it every time. You're even choosy about the flavor of pediasure I give you, which we call a milkshake.
I must say you are very well behaved. I get compliments about how well behaved you are, especially from your teachers at school. My little teacher's pet, somehow that does not surprise me. They tell me all the time what a great listener you are. So I wonder how that changes when I bring you home? For the most part you listen to what we tell you, sometimes you choose not to listen at all and keep doing exactly what we have just told you not to. Mommy gets very frustrated with you when do you not listen to me. I think you are so smart and that you know better, but maybe sometimes you just don't. You're so good so often, that I find it hard to deal with you when you aren't minding me. You are also very smart. You have a vocabulary that shocks me (narwhal, what?). You can remember anything and everything which has proved to be a blessing and a curse.
All of your toys must now come in collections. Toy Story and Superheros are your favorite. You can't just play with Buzz and Woody, you have to have the entire cast of characters. We've been working on adding to your collection since Christmas. Luckily for your birthday, you got most of your Superhero action figures. However, we don't have Thor, gosh forbid, and we hear about it all the time. On top of those loves, you love dancing and singing, and playing instruments. I think you like the instruments so you can sing loudly. I'm also impressed with your pop culture knowledge. You can spot a Pink song within seconds. I'm not sure how this love come about, but I think it's really funny.
You've also gotten in touch with your spiritual side. You enjoy saying your prayers, mostly thanking God for what you have. After every prayer at dinner you say, "Wow, that's a good prayer Mommy and Daddy". You also really enjoy Sunday School at our new church. You even cried one Sunday when we couldn't go.
You're 3, and you're all boy, and you're all ours. We love you Holt Cannon Kummer.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Pajamas and Donuts, Holt turns 3!
We had his birthday party Saturday morning, my new fav time for a birthday party, by the way. There were all kinds of donuts and breakfast foods. We had kolaches, fruit salad, donut holes, cake donuts with sprinkles, regular donuts with sprinkles, glazed donuts, and my Mother in Law's special Charger Re-chargers. (One of Kyle's favorites from high school) They are butter tastin' biscuits with sausage and cheese inside, highly addicting.
I figured this is probably the last year I could do his party without much input from him. I've always wanted to have a breakfast themed party. Holt fights me every morning to stay in his pajamas, so this theme was truly perfect for him. Not to mention donuts are one of the only things he will eat, even if it's just the icing. We had around 40 people here, maybe more, and it was so fun. The kids loved making their Froot Loop necklaces even if they did not stay on their necklaces for long! Holt finally understood what his birthday was all about this year and could not wait for his friends to show up. He would keep asking me, "Are my friends here yet?" It's hard to believe he is 3! I'll have a separate post on that later. Here are some party highlights.
I figured this is probably the last year I could do his party without much input from him. I've always wanted to have a breakfast themed party. Holt fights me every morning to stay in his pajamas, so this theme was truly perfect for him. Not to mention donuts are one of the only things he will eat, even if it's just the icing. We had around 40 people here, maybe more, and it was so fun. The kids loved making their Froot Loop necklaces even if they did not stay on their necklaces for long! Holt finally understood what his birthday was all about this year and could not wait for his friends to show up. He would keep asking me, "Are my friends here yet?" It's hard to believe he is 3! I'll have a separate post on that later. Here are some party highlights.
Keep Calm and Eat a Donut, ain't that the truth |
10 dozen donut holes to make a tower, for the record |
She's cute |
Froot Loop Necklaces |
Blowing out his candle on his special donut |
Loved every minute of his party |
Jett is 10 months!
How can this be? I just truly can't believe it. I can remember Holt being 10 months old so vividly this is crazy to me!
Jett has finally started to crawl! He was just happy as could be sitting there playing and watching his brother all this time. Now I'm sure he wonders why he didn't do this sooner! Although I am already missing the old days. He li
kes to play with things like the barstools and kitchen chairs or attempt to climb on the fireplace. So in other words, I have several small heart attacks a day. Sometimes he stops and puts both his feet down like he wants to stand, but he does not have the upper body strength for that just yet. He prefers standing to sitting these days. His obession is doorstops. He can spot them anywhere. He crawled all the way from the kitchen to the front of the house because he spotted the doorstop by the front door. He finds them fascinating and hilarious. He prefers to play with whatever big brother is playing with, much to Holt's dismay. I've already gotten rid of a lot of baby toys because I honestly don't think he will ever play with them!
He still loves books, absolutely loves them. As soon as we sit down in his glider before naps or at bedtime, he leans over and reaches for them. Usually he's happy with what I choose, but if he's not, he lets me know it and I choose a different one. Sometimes he is just so tired that he closes the book and turns and lays his head down on me, like he's saying "That's enough Mom, goodnight."
He has 4 bottles a day with 6oz each. 7:30, 11:30, 4, and at bedtime. His naps are better, he's a bit more predictable than he was the past few months. He naps at 10 and 3 usually for about an hour each time, sometimes an hour and half. I'm shocked if it's 2 hours. He has about a 4 hour awake threshold, but again this has gotten much easier. He's easier to distract or keep happy if we are out and about and he's tired. I still prefer to be home at naptime, so I spend a lot of time at home between the two boys and their nap schedules. Call me crazy but I know it's why they have both been great sleepers. Jett typically sleeps about 8pm-7am, but is happy in his crib until I get him around 7:30. Sometimes I just need to get myself going in the morning before I get him.
Jett is still completely attached to my hip. He has a little more freedom now that he is crawling, but usually it's just to find me...or a doorstop. He does not seem to have much stranger anxiety, even reaching out to some of them, but only briefly until he realizes he would rather me hold him.
As far as new foods, he still likes his baby food so I still give it to him. At every meal I am offering finger foods, but he would rather play with them. Another picky eater on my hands, fabulous. I've given him meatballs, chicken, grilled cheese, mac n cheese, peas, carrots, watermelon, bananas, blueberries, pancakes, and pretty much anything we eat within reason. He just doesn't eat it. He likes to squish the fruit and throw everything else to Bentley. I will continue to offer it in hopes that he just starts to like it one day!
He is 21lbs 5oz (he went to the dr for a severe diaper rash, that's how I know). He wears size 4 diapers, 12 month clothes (although they are getting snug), and is still my chunky monkey! He still has just his 2 bottom teeth with no sign of any others popping through.
Jett's smile just lights up my days and my whole world. It's just the absolute best smile ever! He makes us so happy and his laugh is just so funny. I'm waiting for that big belly laugh that he just can't stop, but for now his silly little giggle will do. He's also sensitive. When I have to tell him No-no for pulling up on barstools, he gets very upset. Poor guy. It's going to be hard to get mad at him. I say that now...lets talk again when he's 2.
Jett has finally started to crawl! He was just happy as could be sitting there playing and watching his brother all this time. Now I'm sure he wonders why he didn't do this sooner! Although I am already missing the old days. He li
kes to play with things like the barstools and kitchen chairs or attempt to climb on the fireplace. So in other words, I have several small heart attacks a day. Sometimes he stops and puts both his feet down like he wants to stand, but he does not have the upper body strength for that just yet. He prefers standing to sitting these days. His obession is doorstops. He can spot them anywhere. He crawled all the way from the kitchen to the front of the house because he spotted the doorstop by the front door. He finds them fascinating and hilarious. He prefers to play with whatever big brother is playing with, much to Holt's dismay. I've already gotten rid of a lot of baby toys because I honestly don't think he will ever play with them!
He still loves books, absolutely loves them. As soon as we sit down in his glider before naps or at bedtime, he leans over and reaches for them. Usually he's happy with what I choose, but if he's not, he lets me know it and I choose a different one. Sometimes he is just so tired that he closes the book and turns and lays his head down on me, like he's saying "That's enough Mom, goodnight."
He has 4 bottles a day with 6oz each. 7:30, 11:30, 4, and at bedtime. His naps are better, he's a bit more predictable than he was the past few months. He naps at 10 and 3 usually for about an hour each time, sometimes an hour and half. I'm shocked if it's 2 hours. He has about a 4 hour awake threshold, but again this has gotten much easier. He's easier to distract or keep happy if we are out and about and he's tired. I still prefer to be home at naptime, so I spend a lot of time at home between the two boys and their nap schedules. Call me crazy but I know it's why they have both been great sleepers. Jett typically sleeps about 8pm-7am, but is happy in his crib until I get him around 7:30. Sometimes I just need to get myself going in the morning before I get him.
Jett is still completely attached to my hip. He has a little more freedom now that he is crawling, but usually it's just to find me...or a doorstop. He does not seem to have much stranger anxiety, even reaching out to some of them, but only briefly until he realizes he would rather me hold him.
As far as new foods, he still likes his baby food so I still give it to him. At every meal I am offering finger foods, but he would rather play with them. Another picky eater on my hands, fabulous. I've given him meatballs, chicken, grilled cheese, mac n cheese, peas, carrots, watermelon, bananas, blueberries, pancakes, and pretty much anything we eat within reason. He just doesn't eat it. He likes to squish the fruit and throw everything else to Bentley. I will continue to offer it in hopes that he just starts to like it one day!
He is 21lbs 5oz (he went to the dr for a severe diaper rash, that's how I know). He wears size 4 diapers, 12 month clothes (although they are getting snug), and is still my chunky monkey! He still has just his 2 bottom teeth with no sign of any others popping through.
Jett's smile just lights up my days and my whole world. It's just the absolute best smile ever! He makes us so happy and his laugh is just so funny. I'm waiting for that big belly laugh that he just can't stop, but for now his silly little giggle will do. He's also sensitive. When I have to tell him No-no for pulling up on barstools, he gets very upset. Poor guy. It's going to be hard to get mad at him. I say that now...lets talk again when he's 2.
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2 teefers |
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Attached to my hip, can't get anything done |
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Shopping is so much easier when the snack cup is mastered! |
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Happy 10 months baby boy! |
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
I'm falling apart, y'all!
I have not been afraid of getting older, ever. I'm not afraid of 30, it doesn't mean anything to me, it's just a number. Plus I got carded a couple weeks ago, so I know I don't look 30. *ear to ear grin*
However, my body is like "hold up!" I figured I would be one of those annoying people that bounced back to their prebaby weight within the first month, both times. I was wrong, both times. I was 92lbs when I got married and 100lbs when I got pregnant with Holt. I remember at that time I was trying to lose 5lbs before I got pregnant. Ummm, what? 95lbs, are you kidding? I have always been tiny and petite and never had any trouble with my body image or losing weight. So then come the kids. We all know what that does to our bodies during pregnancy, nothing can prepare you for what happens after! This skin, the spider veins, the pooch, the c section pooch, all of it!
This is why I am falling apart before the age of 30. I have keratosis pilaris, I have sun damaged skin, I have diastastis recti, I will battle kidney stones the rest of my life, I have chicken wings, I have 10lbs to lose, I have floppy flappy deflated balloon boobies, the list could go on. Who would have thought 10 years ago as I was getting so excited to legally buy alochol in one short year that I would be battling all of this drama on my body years later.
So what is keratosis pilaris? It's a hormonal change after you give birth, or really it can be in anyone, mine just appeared after having Holt. My arms are covered in tiny lil whitehead bumps which is basically my keratin cells getting stuck under my skin not able to leave my body. Whatever. They are ugly, bumpy, and make me super self conscious in sleeveless shirts. But, hey, I live in Texas and I have no choice. And by the way, it's dominant so there will be a 50% chance I pass it along to my children. I'm now using a $25 lotion to eliminate the's been 3 weeks, they're still there. I'll have to use it forever or they will come back.
If you saw my FB post, you know I am totally freaked out by diastasis recti. My ab muscles are so weak from my babies that my stomach just pushes right through them when I'm full or just standing there. I still look pregnant because of this. Y'all are so nice and saying I look great, blah blah blah. I want to wear tighter fitting shirts again and I want to wear a 2 piece bathing suit again. None of this will happen until I am certain a stranger won't ask, "So how far along are you? You're just cranking them out aren't you!" It could totally happen. Not to mention, I still have a very dark and visible linea negra so I wouldn't blame someone for asking me if I was expecting again. That stupid thing won't go away.
I looked in the mirror one day and saw sun damage. I totally abused my skin in high school and college. My face is showing the proof. Thank you Retin A, I will be using you the rest of my life as well as another expensive face lotion "for best results."
Kidney stones, oh kidney stones. I did not know I had these until I was pregnant with Jett and I passed them. At 32 weeks I was hospitalized with major pains and unknown to me, small contractions. I knew I should have gone to the hospital. I woke up in the most excruciating pain from my back to the front. I thought it was a UTI. After taking a prescription, it did not get better within a few hours so I asked to go to the hospital. They took me to labor and delivery and gave me my drip of drugs. I don't remember what they were, but they were amazing. After an ultrasound they saw I had kidney stones. I passed 3 a week later...and it was weird. After I had Jett I was told to go back to my urologist for a follow up. An X-Ray and an MRI showed I still had kidney stones that my urologist said "Are going to get you eventually." Oh joy. There was only one that could be seen in the X ray, so I was not a good candidate for a procedure to remove it. So I'm a ticking time bomb for more excruciating pain someday, could be tomorrow, could be 10 years from now. There is no way of knowing. So what is causing the kidney stones? It could have been something in my diet or something I was not producing. Turns out I have incredibly low citrate levels. Thanks to a 24 hour urine test, they were able to find this. That's right. I pee into a bowl then dump it into a giant container and mix it around after 24 hours. Then I drop the sample off at my doctor's office. An abnormally low citrate level that is concerning is 320...mine was 107. My body does not make enough citrate to prevent the stones from forming. I went on a prescription that I would have to take my entire life. After 3 months and another 24 hour urine test, my doctor saw my pH levels were too high because of the medicine. I didn't like the medicine anyways, so I was fine with stopping. Now I am on magnesium oxide and 2 glasses of Simply Lemonade a day. I am due for another urine test so we will see what is wacky this time. My doctor said this is a lifelong problem and he will see my children grow and I will see his grow. Fabulous.
So I can only credit this all to getting older. I was fine with 30 coming I am terrified what in the heck my body will do next. I mean this is weird stuff. TMI...nah.
However, my body is like "hold up!" I figured I would be one of those annoying people that bounced back to their prebaby weight within the first month, both times. I was wrong, both times. I was 92lbs when I got married and 100lbs when I got pregnant with Holt. I remember at that time I was trying to lose 5lbs before I got pregnant. Ummm, what? 95lbs, are you kidding? I have always been tiny and petite and never had any trouble with my body image or losing weight. So then come the kids. We all know what that does to our bodies during pregnancy, nothing can prepare you for what happens after! This skin, the spider veins, the pooch, the c section pooch, all of it!
This is why I am falling apart before the age of 30. I have keratosis pilaris, I have sun damaged skin, I have diastastis recti, I will battle kidney stones the rest of my life, I have chicken wings, I have 10lbs to lose, I have floppy flappy deflated balloon boobies, the list could go on. Who would have thought 10 years ago as I was getting so excited to legally buy alochol in one short year that I would be battling all of this drama on my body years later.
So what is keratosis pilaris? It's a hormonal change after you give birth, or really it can be in anyone, mine just appeared after having Holt. My arms are covered in tiny lil whitehead bumps which is basically my keratin cells getting stuck under my skin not able to leave my body. Whatever. They are ugly, bumpy, and make me super self conscious in sleeveless shirts. But, hey, I live in Texas and I have no choice. And by the way, it's dominant so there will be a 50% chance I pass it along to my children. I'm now using a $25 lotion to eliminate the's been 3 weeks, they're still there. I'll have to use it forever or they will come back.
If you saw my FB post, you know I am totally freaked out by diastasis recti. My ab muscles are so weak from my babies that my stomach just pushes right through them when I'm full or just standing there. I still look pregnant because of this. Y'all are so nice and saying I look great, blah blah blah. I want to wear tighter fitting shirts again and I want to wear a 2 piece bathing suit again. None of this will happen until I am certain a stranger won't ask, "So how far along are you? You're just cranking them out aren't you!" It could totally happen. Not to mention, I still have a very dark and visible linea negra so I wouldn't blame someone for asking me if I was expecting again. That stupid thing won't go away.
I looked in the mirror one day and saw sun damage. I totally abused my skin in high school and college. My face is showing the proof. Thank you Retin A, I will be using you the rest of my life as well as another expensive face lotion "for best results."
Kidney stones, oh kidney stones. I did not know I had these until I was pregnant with Jett and I passed them. At 32 weeks I was hospitalized with major pains and unknown to me, small contractions. I knew I should have gone to the hospital. I woke up in the most excruciating pain from my back to the front. I thought it was a UTI. After taking a prescription, it did not get better within a few hours so I asked to go to the hospital. They took me to labor and delivery and gave me my drip of drugs. I don't remember what they were, but they were amazing. After an ultrasound they saw I had kidney stones. I passed 3 a week later...and it was weird. After I had Jett I was told to go back to my urologist for a follow up. An X-Ray and an MRI showed I still had kidney stones that my urologist said "Are going to get you eventually." Oh joy. There was only one that could be seen in the X ray, so I was not a good candidate for a procedure to remove it. So I'm a ticking time bomb for more excruciating pain someday, could be tomorrow, could be 10 years from now. There is no way of knowing. So what is causing the kidney stones? It could have been something in my diet or something I was not producing. Turns out I have incredibly low citrate levels. Thanks to a 24 hour urine test, they were able to find this. That's right. I pee into a bowl then dump it into a giant container and mix it around after 24 hours. Then I drop the sample off at my doctor's office. An abnormally low citrate level that is concerning is 320...mine was 107. My body does not make enough citrate to prevent the stones from forming. I went on a prescription that I would have to take my entire life. After 3 months and another 24 hour urine test, my doctor saw my pH levels were too high because of the medicine. I didn't like the medicine anyways, so I was fine with stopping. Now I am on magnesium oxide and 2 glasses of Simply Lemonade a day. I am due for another urine test so we will see what is wacky this time. My doctor said this is a lifelong problem and he will see my children grow and I will see his grow. Fabulous.
So I can only credit this all to getting older. I was fine with 30 coming I am terrified what in the heck my body will do next. I mean this is weird stuff. TMI...nah.
Jett's First Haircut
As most moms, I was a little apprehensive to take him, especially at 9 months. I like his long,
out of control hair, I always have. That crazy piece of hair that stood
straight up from birth until it got too heavy and laid down...was still
there. His hair has always made me smile. It's just so him. His
hair needed a trim though. It's very fine, so I am not sure how to fix
his hair. Not to mention he has a crazy cowlick smack dab in the middle
of his head in front. There was no denying he needed the sides and the
back trimmed up, so that's what we did. I thought because of his age, I
would probably have to hold him the whole time on my lap. I was dreading
this because I didn't want all that itchy hair all over me! When he saw
the cute cars to sit in, he reached out and I gave it shot and set him
there. He was all smiles. He barely knew anyone was cutting his hair.
But when he figured it out, he gave the funniest "What the heck are you
doing?" look. He handled it like a champ and I got the pictures to prove
it. I also asked to keep that piece of hair that means so much to me,
so it's mine forever.
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Before |

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Having fun "driving" |
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After |
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His sweet lil piece of hair |
July 4th!
So I have majorly slacked on any type of posts that weren't related to one of my children's growth or development. We had such an amazing 4th of July, that I just feel like I need to remember it! We left Wednesday afternoon and headed out to Horseshoe Bay where Kyle's parents have a house right on the water across from the Marriott. Those that knows us, know that this is our happy place. (Besides Cabo) We love going here. We got married here and we take a picture every year in the place where we stood saying our vows just to see how we change and how our family changes over the years. I am so glad we decided to start this tradition. I'll have to post pictures later because I haven't a clue where our camera is since getting back.
The 4th of July is one of my most favorite Holidays. I love the food, the colors, the fireworks, and SPARKLERS. Forget the big expensive ones you can buy at the firework stand, just give me some sparklers and I'm thrilled. This has just always been a fun Holiday for me. What I really love, going to watch the Fireworks, especially on the boat in the middle of the lake. I mean, it just doesn't get any better as far as a fireworks show goes. Icing on the cake, watching it through my son's eyes.
We started the day with a parade right out in front of the Marriott, a quick 2 minute walk from my in laws. Holt wasn't sure why all these nice people were throwing candy to him from their decorated cars and golf carts, but he sure didn't mind either! It was just as entertaining for Jett who happily watched from his Papa's lap or Lala's arms. We enjoyed ourselves. We headed back to the house where Jett took a nap and Kyle and I took Holt out on the Jet-Ski, or "jexsie" as Holt says. Every TCU flag Holt saw around the lake he happily chanted T-C-U! You couldn't wipe the grin off Kyle's face. We headed back in for lunch and I was thrilled to learn Jett napped until after 1! My plan of keeping him out late to watch fireworks was working since he took later naps. I took Jett for a little swim while Holt was napping before putting him down for his afternoon nap. He had a blast splishing and splashing in the baby pool.
After the boy's afternoon naps, we played outside some more and watched Kyle and his dad prepare our annual Crab Boil feast! We had shrimp, crab legs, corn, potatoes, and sausage. We look forward to this every year. The sun was beginning to set so we let Holt see some of the items Kyle picked out for him at the Fireworks stand. I'm not sure what he loved the most, the poppers or the smoke bombs in all colors. Every smoke bomb that was lit immediately became a Superhero to him. Green was Hulk, blue was Captain America, yellow was thing, red was Spiderman and Iron Man. You can see where his head is these days. He got the hang of the poppers too but had a hard time throwing them down hard enough some of time. He was just in complete awe of everything that had gone on this day, and the best was still yet to come!
After an attempt at sparklers, we headed out on the boat. I was a tad nervous about the sparklers and Holt was a tad afraid. We tuned the radio into the right station and watched the show begin. Even Jett was in awe as he laid on Kyle's chest looking up into the sky. He barely made a sound. Holt was having fun making up his own words to songs "Captain America! Captain America!" At least he said America. He did not want the show to end. When it was over we said we had to head back and he said, "And den we will come back in just a little bit-it!" Needless to say both boys slept great that night. It was a 4th of July to remember for sure! I love that Holt is getting old enough to understand the holidays and all the fun stuff that goes along with it!
The rest of the weekend consisted of boat rides, an attempt at tubing, putt putt, fishing, and swimming. We thought Holt would like the tube, and he did until Papa went a little too slow through a wake by another boat and he and Kyle got submerged in the water briefly. Oh the look on his face, heartbreaking. I decided I would ride with them too, it was a two seater. I held onto Holt for dear life so it wouldn't happen again. Tubing is not quite as fun as it used to be I must admit. I find it terrifying now! Haha! Another thing Holt did not enjoy as much as we thought he would, fishing. He enjoyed throwing it out there and reeling it in. He especially liked seeing that he caught a fish. He did not like Kyle trying to take the hook out of the fish's mouth. He saw a little bit of blood and then came the tears. He is really sensitive about that kind of thing. He said, "I don't like fishing because Daddy (insert finger in side of mouth and pull) on the fish and I don't like that."
We were always planning on leaving Saturday afternoon, but we decided that morning that we were having too much fun so we stayed until Sunday. Once we decided that, Kyle and I took Holt to play putt-putt while Jett took his morning nap. It is so fun to see Holt growing and maturing and able to handle fun little excursions like this with us. We enjoy our one on one time with him. Just as much as I enjoy my one on one play time with my littlest munchkin. I am sure Holt appreciates all the attention he gets while we are with him too. Like allowing him to have ice cream for lunch because it's just too hot for anything else!
We had such a wonderful weekend at the lake and we made some incredible family memories that will last a life time!
The 4th of July is one of my most favorite Holidays. I love the food, the colors, the fireworks, and SPARKLERS. Forget the big expensive ones you can buy at the firework stand, just give me some sparklers and I'm thrilled. This has just always been a fun Holiday for me. What I really love, going to watch the Fireworks, especially on the boat in the middle of the lake. I mean, it just doesn't get any better as far as a fireworks show goes. Icing on the cake, watching it through my son's eyes.
We started the day with a parade right out in front of the Marriott, a quick 2 minute walk from my in laws. Holt wasn't sure why all these nice people were throwing candy to him from their decorated cars and golf carts, but he sure didn't mind either! It was just as entertaining for Jett who happily watched from his Papa's lap or Lala's arms. We enjoyed ourselves. We headed back to the house where Jett took a nap and Kyle and I took Holt out on the Jet-Ski, or "jexsie" as Holt says. Every TCU flag Holt saw around the lake he happily chanted T-C-U! You couldn't wipe the grin off Kyle's face. We headed back in for lunch and I was thrilled to learn Jett napped until after 1! My plan of keeping him out late to watch fireworks was working since he took later naps. I took Jett for a little swim while Holt was napping before putting him down for his afternoon nap. He had a blast splishing and splashing in the baby pool.
After the boy's afternoon naps, we played outside some more and watched Kyle and his dad prepare our annual Crab Boil feast! We had shrimp, crab legs, corn, potatoes, and sausage. We look forward to this every year. The sun was beginning to set so we let Holt see some of the items Kyle picked out for him at the Fireworks stand. I'm not sure what he loved the most, the poppers or the smoke bombs in all colors. Every smoke bomb that was lit immediately became a Superhero to him. Green was Hulk, blue was Captain America, yellow was thing, red was Spiderman and Iron Man. You can see where his head is these days. He got the hang of the poppers too but had a hard time throwing them down hard enough some of time. He was just in complete awe of everything that had gone on this day, and the best was still yet to come!
After an attempt at sparklers, we headed out on the boat. I was a tad nervous about the sparklers and Holt was a tad afraid. We tuned the radio into the right station and watched the show begin. Even Jett was in awe as he laid on Kyle's chest looking up into the sky. He barely made a sound. Holt was having fun making up his own words to songs "Captain America! Captain America!" At least he said America. He did not want the show to end. When it was over we said we had to head back and he said, "And den we will come back in just a little bit-it!" Needless to say both boys slept great that night. It was a 4th of July to remember for sure! I love that Holt is getting old enough to understand the holidays and all the fun stuff that goes along with it!
The rest of the weekend consisted of boat rides, an attempt at tubing, putt putt, fishing, and swimming. We thought Holt would like the tube, and he did until Papa went a little too slow through a wake by another boat and he and Kyle got submerged in the water briefly. Oh the look on his face, heartbreaking. I decided I would ride with them too, it was a two seater. I held onto Holt for dear life so it wouldn't happen again. Tubing is not quite as fun as it used to be I must admit. I find it terrifying now! Haha! Another thing Holt did not enjoy as much as we thought he would, fishing. He enjoyed throwing it out there and reeling it in. He especially liked seeing that he caught a fish. He did not like Kyle trying to take the hook out of the fish's mouth. He saw a little bit of blood and then came the tears. He is really sensitive about that kind of thing. He said, "I don't like fishing because Daddy (insert finger in side of mouth and pull) on the fish and I don't like that."
We were always planning on leaving Saturday afternoon, but we decided that morning that we were having too much fun so we stayed until Sunday. Once we decided that, Kyle and I took Holt to play putt-putt while Jett took his morning nap. It is so fun to see Holt growing and maturing and able to handle fun little excursions like this with us. We enjoy our one on one time with him. Just as much as I enjoy my one on one play time with my littlest munchkin. I am sure Holt appreciates all the attention he gets while we are with him too. Like allowing him to have ice cream for lunch because it's just too hot for anything else!
We had such a wonderful weekend at the lake and we made some incredible family memories that will last a life time!
Friday, June 21, 2013
Jett is 8...uhhh 9 months!
Oh hi everyone. I did not forget that Jett turned 8 months, I just didn't get to blog about it. By the time I had time, I figured what's another few days until he's 9 months. There was not a whole lot of "new" to report really. I've concluded that since my computer is in the office, I don't get to it much. When I have time to myself, I don't come jump on the computer. I just want to do nothing for the 30min-1 hour I might be lucky to get to myself each day. So enough about me, back to my sweet 9 month old baby boy. I can't believe it, 9 months. It's just crazy to me. Jett Paul is the light of my days. He is always happy, happiest on my hip, but very happy. He smiles all the time and absolutely thinks his older brother is the funniest thing on the planet. He is mesmerized sitting back and watching him.
Here are his stats:
20 lbs 4oz (44%)
28.75in (65%)
45.5in head (55%) This shocks me, I could have sworn this kid had a humongous head
Size 4 diapers
12 month clothes (thank goodness I did not buy any 9 month Summer clothes!)
4 bottles/day 6oz 3 times and 8oz at bedtime
2 naps
These past few months Jett has really taken an interest in books. He gets so excited when I pull one out before his naps. He is picky too. I will start reading one and if it is not to his liking he pushes it out of the way and reaches for the next one on my lap. 3 of his faves right now are Fuzzy Yellow Ducklings, Mirror Mirror (A baby Einstein book), and his absolute fave is Brown Bear, Brown Bear. He gets his hands and feet moving in circles and squeals with such delight when this book comes out...or if he picks it out. I love seeing him enjoy books as much as Holt. Holt still loves his books. I was a little afraid I would not have the same amount of time to read to Jett that I did Holt, but I see that won't be a problem now. He's also just recently let me know he would like to read before bedtime. As we sit in his glider he leans over and looks down at his basket with the books, like "Hey Mom, pick one of these up would ya?"
I weaned Jett at 8 months. I was keeping up with it just fine, but just like his brother, he was over it. We made it almost 8 months without a drop of formula. Morning and nighttime were never a problem for us. Daytime feedings were frustrating for both of us. He just did not have the time to sit there for 20 minutes when he could be watching his big brother play! I tried going in another room, turning off the tv, it didn't matter. As long as he could hear anyone else in the room, he was completely distracted. I felt it was more important for him to get proper nutrition and for me to not spend half my day incredibly frustrated that I couldn't get him to nurse. So I was happy to say bye bye breastfeeding. He has done fine with it, the first couple weeks at night he was a little confused even after his bottle, but he didn't lose any sleep over it. He's been sleeping on average 11 hours for quite some time now. There was one rough night, the night before Kyle and I went to New Orleans that he woke up several times. It was the day after I stopped nursing him, but that had nothing to do with it. He just wanted comfort. He didn't even attempt to root around when I went in there, just simply laid his head on my shoulder. That has been the only night we've had a problem. He's a pretty good sleeper at night. His naps are still a little off, but not everyday. A good day for him is an hour in the morning (10-11) and about an hour and half in the afternoon. (2:30-4). That's a good day. Many days it is 30 minutes and I would say on average probably 45 minutes.
Some of the sleep disruptions I think could be the 2 new teeth he had pop up this past month! Much sooner than his brother's first tooth appeared. It has been pretty smooth for him overall. He doesn't seem overly bothered by them coming in, just clingy and cranky, but for the most part he has been fine with it. I can't wait to see them poke up enough to see!
He has also been much more active trying to get around. Holt was a roly poly all over the place from about 6 months on until he could crawl. Jett prefers to just sit and watch. He gets up on all fours and rocks and likes to sit and scoot in circles. He has yet to move from the all fours position into crawling, but I expect it any day now. Holt was also 9 months before he started crawling, so this comes as no surprise to me. One thing about the second baby, you stress much less about milestones and you could also care less to compare with someone else's baby about the same age. In fact, I'm savoring these last few days of him staying where I put him. Before I know, he's going to be into everything! I've been in no rush for him to crawl, haha!
Some more of his faves:
Bathtime with Holt
Watching Bentley
Grabbing Ripping out Mommy's hair
Touching my face as he falls asleep at night
Daddy making him laugh (Jett does this hilarious "old man laugh" as we call it)
Holding his own bottle
Food, especially puffs
Clapping- as soon as he hears someone say "Yay!" or "Clap!" He's happy to show us how.
We are trying more and more table foods. I'm shocked that he mostly just likes to play with them. He picks them up no problem, but has no interest in putting it in his mouth. So much for having this one not be a picky eater! He has yogurt or a stage 2 fruit for breakfast, stage 2 veggie at lunch, and one of those nasty meat with veggie or fruit baby food containers for dinner. I never gave these to Holt because they grossed me out so much, but I think that's where I went wrong with him too. Jett LOVES them. And as I've said before, I plan on making some for him myself so I know more about what is going into them. We will see how far I get on that. I'm not trying to win any Mommy awards here, just keeping them happy and alive is good enough for me.
Jett is a ray of sunshine to everyone that sees him. He is constantly getting compliments on how much he smiles and how happy he is. People are also quick to point out his piercing blue eyes. So blue they are scary sometimes! He's chubby and I love it. I kiss kiss kiss his lil cheeks all day. He wants Mommy to hold him all the time and really no one else. Daddy is ok with this since Holt has just entered his Daddy phase. If Jett sees me, it's all over. He must be picked up or you would think he was being tortured. I get nothing done, but I'm also trying to relish in these moments because before I know it...they will be gone. As my dad calls Jett, Mr. Million Dollar Smile...I couldn't agree more. He's pure awesome, joy, happiness, and love rolled up into my baby boy. I'm blessed.
Here are his stats:
20 lbs 4oz (44%)
28.75in (65%)
45.5in head (55%) This shocks me, I could have sworn this kid had a humongous head
Size 4 diapers
12 month clothes (thank goodness I did not buy any 9 month Summer clothes!)
4 bottles/day 6oz 3 times and 8oz at bedtime
2 naps
These past few months Jett has really taken an interest in books. He gets so excited when I pull one out before his naps. He is picky too. I will start reading one and if it is not to his liking he pushes it out of the way and reaches for the next one on my lap. 3 of his faves right now are Fuzzy Yellow Ducklings, Mirror Mirror (A baby Einstein book), and his absolute fave is Brown Bear, Brown Bear. He gets his hands and feet moving in circles and squeals with such delight when this book comes out...or if he picks it out. I love seeing him enjoy books as much as Holt. Holt still loves his books. I was a little afraid I would not have the same amount of time to read to Jett that I did Holt, but I see that won't be a problem now. He's also just recently let me know he would like to read before bedtime. As we sit in his glider he leans over and looks down at his basket with the books, like "Hey Mom, pick one of these up would ya?"
I weaned Jett at 8 months. I was keeping up with it just fine, but just like his brother, he was over it. We made it almost 8 months without a drop of formula. Morning and nighttime were never a problem for us. Daytime feedings were frustrating for both of us. He just did not have the time to sit there for 20 minutes when he could be watching his big brother play! I tried going in another room, turning off the tv, it didn't matter. As long as he could hear anyone else in the room, he was completely distracted. I felt it was more important for him to get proper nutrition and for me to not spend half my day incredibly frustrated that I couldn't get him to nurse. So I was happy to say bye bye breastfeeding. He has done fine with it, the first couple weeks at night he was a little confused even after his bottle, but he didn't lose any sleep over it. He's been sleeping on average 11 hours for quite some time now. There was one rough night, the night before Kyle and I went to New Orleans that he woke up several times. It was the day after I stopped nursing him, but that had nothing to do with it. He just wanted comfort. He didn't even attempt to root around when I went in there, just simply laid his head on my shoulder. That has been the only night we've had a problem. He's a pretty good sleeper at night. His naps are still a little off, but not everyday. A good day for him is an hour in the morning (10-11) and about an hour and half in the afternoon. (2:30-4). That's a good day. Many days it is 30 minutes and I would say on average probably 45 minutes.
Some of the sleep disruptions I think could be the 2 new teeth he had pop up this past month! Much sooner than his brother's first tooth appeared. It has been pretty smooth for him overall. He doesn't seem overly bothered by them coming in, just clingy and cranky, but for the most part he has been fine with it. I can't wait to see them poke up enough to see!
He has also been much more active trying to get around. Holt was a roly poly all over the place from about 6 months on until he could crawl. Jett prefers to just sit and watch. He gets up on all fours and rocks and likes to sit and scoot in circles. He has yet to move from the all fours position into crawling, but I expect it any day now. Holt was also 9 months before he started crawling, so this comes as no surprise to me. One thing about the second baby, you stress much less about milestones and you could also care less to compare with someone else's baby about the same age. In fact, I'm savoring these last few days of him staying where I put him. Before I know, he's going to be into everything! I've been in no rush for him to crawl, haha!
Some more of his faves:
Bathtime with Holt
Watching Bentley
Touching my face as he falls asleep at night
Daddy making him laugh (Jett does this hilarious "old man laugh" as we call it)
Holding his own bottle
Food, especially puffs
Clapping- as soon as he hears someone say "Yay!" or "Clap!" He's happy to show us how.
We are trying more and more table foods. I'm shocked that he mostly just likes to play with them. He picks them up no problem, but has no interest in putting it in his mouth. So much for having this one not be a picky eater! He has yogurt or a stage 2 fruit for breakfast, stage 2 veggie at lunch, and one of those nasty meat with veggie or fruit baby food containers for dinner. I never gave these to Holt because they grossed me out so much, but I think that's where I went wrong with him too. Jett LOVES them. And as I've said before, I plan on making some for him myself so I know more about what is going into them. We will see how far I get on that. I'm not trying to win any Mommy awards here, just keeping them happy and alive is good enough for me.
Jett is a ray of sunshine to everyone that sees him. He is constantly getting compliments on how much he smiles and how happy he is. People are also quick to point out his piercing blue eyes. So blue they are scary sometimes! He's chubby and I love it. I kiss kiss kiss his lil cheeks all day. He wants Mommy to hold him all the time and really no one else. Daddy is ok with this since Holt has just entered his Daddy phase. If Jett sees me, it's all over. He must be picked up or you would think he was being tortured. I get nothing done, but I'm also trying to relish in these moments because before I know it...they will be gone. As my dad calls Jett, Mr. Million Dollar Smile...I couldn't agree more. He's pure awesome, joy, happiness, and love rolled up into my baby boy. I'm blessed.
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